Top Research Topics at New Phytologist? New Phytologist was organized to reinforce research efforts on Botany, Ecology, Biochemistry, Agronomy and Cell biology. While Botany is the focus of it, it also provided insights into the studies of Symbiosis, Mycorrhiza and Horticulture. Ectomycorrhiza is a...
经查询了解,植物学期刊《New Phytologist》2022-2023最新影响因子:9.4。是SCI收录的,位于中科院一区,且是该领域的Top期刊。 下面给大家来整理介绍一下《New Phytologist》这本植物学期刊,以供有需要的作者参考了解,详情如下: 期刊名称:NEW PHYTOLOGIST 期刊ISSN 0028-646X;E-ISSN 1469-8137 2022-2023最新影响因子:9...
新植物学家(New Phytologist)是一本由Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd出版的一本PLANT SCIENCES学术刊物,主要报道PLANT SCIENCES相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选来源期刊,属于国际一流期刊。该刊创刊于1902年,出版周期Semimonthly。2021-2022年最新版WOS分区等级:Q1,2023年发布的影响因子为8.3,CiteScore指数17.6,SJR指数...
2.253 SNIP 210 H-Index 7.17 CiteScore General Information Indexing: Science Citation Index Frequency: Semimonthly Open access: No Acceptance rate: About 25% Official Website: NEW PHYTOLOGIST Area of Publication: ENGLAND Time for acceptance:
图片源自New Phytologist官网 3. 影响因子 从历年影响因子变化趋势图上来看,整体处于上涨趋势,2021-2022...
NEW PHYTOLOGISTISSN:0028-646X 发文量: 595 影响因子:8.512 JCR分区:Q1 ISSN:0028-646X Number of publications: 595 Impact factor: 8.512 JCR partition:Q1期刊简介《新植物学家》发表植物科学及其应用领域优秀、新颖、严谨和及时的研究和学术成果。文章分为四个部分——生理学与发育、环境、相互作用和进化—...
January 01, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] The New Phytologist Tansley Medal 2022 - Leander D. L. Anderegg and Moi Exposito-Alonso. January 01, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] Uncovering subtle mechanisms hindering the efficacy of biological control in plant invasions. ...
New Phytologist is an international journal owned by the New Phytologist Foundation publishing original research in plant science and its applications.
Regular arrows indicate a positive and blunt-ended arrows a repressive impact, respectively. [Correction added after first publication 30 September 2022: the arrow between DELLA and MYBL2 was changed to a blunt head to show repression.] Some studies reported a connection between hormone signalling ...
LD Guo,KD Hyde,ECY Liew,Identification of endophytic fungi from Livistona chinensis based on morphology and rDNA sequences.The New Phytologist (2000) 147(3): 617–630. Google Scholar 8. CW Hesseltine,JJ Ellis,