New Phytologist is an international journal owned by the New Phytologist Foundation publishing original research in plant science and its applications.
New Phytologist:杨树特有miRNA在调控杨树抗旱中的分子机制 2024年3月6日,林木遗传育种全国重点实验室、北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院尹伟伦与夏新莉教授课题组在New Phytologist(中科院一区,影响因子9.4)期刊发表了题为“The miR6445-NAC029module regulates drought tolerance by regulating the expression of glutathione...
Please refer to the full Author Guidelines for further information. New Phytologist is owned by a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of plant science, facilitating projects from symposia to open access for our Tansley reviews. 收录体裁 投稿指南 投稿模板 参考文献格式 编辑...
近日,New Phytologist在线发表了湖南农业大学张振华教授团队题为“Knockout of the sugar transporter OsSTP15 enhances grain yield by improving tiller number due to increased sugar content in the shoot base of rice (Oryza sativa L.)”的研究成果,该文章利用转录组,植物激素检测,基因功能验证等数据发现敲除糖...
近日,华中农业大学叶志彪教授领衔的番茄团队在New Phytologist杂志发表了题为“A novel regulatory complex mediated byLanata(Ln) controls multicellular trichome formation in tomato”的研究论文。该研究通过图位克隆鉴定出调控番茄表皮毛的关键基因Lanata(Ln),分别从遗传学和分子生物学两方面研究了该基因与本实验室前期...
NEW PHYTOLOGIST Author Guidelines New Phytologist is an online-only publication: read the Editorial by Alexander & Slater to find out why the journal moved to online-only in 2012 after 110 years of print (doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03866.x). ...
New Phytologist Trust Ultrastructure and Phenolic Histochemistry of the Cycas revoluta-anabaena SymbiosisObukowicz, Author MSchaller, MKennedy, G S
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该成果近日以题为"The genome of Areca catechu provides insights into sex determination of monoecious plants"在植物学权威期刊《New Phytologist》(I区,IF10.323)上在线发表。 该工作利用PacBio和HiC测序技术组装了大小为2.73 Gb的高质量槟榔参考基因组,并将31406个编码基因注释和定位到16条染色体上(图1)。在此...
Journal: New Phytologist First Published: June 01, 2022 Corresponding author:陕西师范大学王国栋 本文发现在芽再生阶段,CLE1-CLE7能够被强烈诱导表达,并通过CLV1和BAM1抑制WUS的表达,调控芽再生 系统进化树上,CLE1-CLE...