Dollery, B.E. Johnson, A. and Byrnes, J.D (2008) Cost shifting in Australian local government: An analysis of the spatial impact of pensioner rate concession rebates in New South Wales, Australian Geographer, 39(4), pp. 467-478.
Here are all of the changes you need to be aware of. Cat containment laws Additionalcat containment lawsare now in effect, meaning any cat born from today will need to be kept on its owner’s premises. They can, however, be taken for walks on a lead thanks to someminor changes to...
The pensioner in the pub was right. It was too yellow. Old gold is a very subtle colour. For too long, Wolves’ shirts were too bright, too lurid, too orange. But this edition was certainly off too. “Must try better.” In the first quarter of the game, such was the paucity of ...
As of 1 March 2023, Dr Ledner will only be bulk billing pensioner and concession card holders (children under 16). All other patients will incur a fee of $75.00 payable at time of consultation.Our Services Tahmoor Medical Centre offers a comprehensive range of general practice management service...
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Pensioner Excursion Tickets (PET) PET offers eligible concession card holders the same level of travel as a MyMulti Day Pass at a discounted rate. Family Funday Sunday Tickets These tickets also allow MyMulti Day Pass travel but at a discounted rate to families travelling on Sundays only. A ...
Pensioner Excursion Tickets (PET) PET offers eligible concession card holders the same level of travel as a MyMulti Day Pass at a discounted rate. Family Funday Sunday Tickets These tickets also allow MyMulti Day Pass travel but at a discounted rate to families travelling on Sundays only. A ...
Pensioner Excursion Tickets (PET) PET offers eligible concession card holders the same level of travel as a MyMulti Day Pass at a discounted rate. Family Funday Sunday Tickets These tickets also allow MyMulti Day Pass travel but at a discounted rate to families travelling on Sundays only. A ...