1.打开注册表:在 Windows 搜索栏中输入“regedit”,打开注册表编辑器。2.在注册表中,依次展开以下路径:HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\General 3.查看右侧窗口是否存在名为“HideNewOutlookToggle”的 DWORD-32 值。如果不存在,右键单击空白区域,选择“新建”->“DWORD (32 位) 值”...
1.打开注册表:在 Windows 搜索栏中输入“regedit”,打开注册表编辑器。 2.在注册表中,依次展开以下路径:HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\General 3.查看右侧窗口是否存在名为“HideNewOutlookToggle”的 DWORD-32 值。如果不存在,右键单击空白区域,选择“新建”->“DWORD (32 位) 值”,并将...
1.打开注册表:在 Windows 搜索栏中输入“regedit”,打开注册表编辑器。 2.在注册表中,依次展开以下路径:HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\General 3.查看右侧窗口是否存在名为“HideNewOutlookToggle”的 DWORD-32 值。如果不存在,右键单击空白区域,选择“新建”->“DWORD (32 位) 值”,并将...
1.打开注册表:在 Windows 搜索栏中输入“regedit”,打开注册表编辑器。 2.在注册表中,依次展开以下路径:HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\General 3.查看右侧窗口是否存在名为“HideNewOutlookToggle”的 DWORD-32 值。如果不存在,右键单击空白区域,选择“新建”->“DWORD (32 位) 值”,并将...
IT之家 2 月 18 日消息,科技媒体 Windows Latest 昨日(2 月 17 日)发布博文,介绍了如何通过新建注册表值 HideNewOutlookToggle,来隐藏经典版 Outlook 上的“Try new Outlook”按钮。 微软力推新版 Outlook,但许多用户仍然偏爱经典版 Outlook。如果你也对经典版 Outlook 界面上的“Try the new Outlook”按钮感到...
Note:You may not see the toggle if classic Outlook for Windows isn't installed on your device. For help installing classic Outlook, follow the instructions inYou can't open classic Outlook on a new Windows PC. If for some reason you don't see a toggle in the new Outlook...
Note:You may not see the toggle if classic Outlook for Windows isn't installed on your device. For help installing classic Outlook, follow the instructions inYou can't open classic Outlook on a new Windows PC. If for some reason you don't see a toggle in the new Outlook...
There are few ways to get the new Outlook for Windows app. Option 1 Turn on Try the new Outlook toggle in your current Outlook app. This option is available with desktop version of Outlook for Microsoft 365, and with the Mail and Calendar app on Windows devices. Option 2...
Can you move to the new Outlook if your Microsoft 365 subscription has expired? Windows 10 Home in S mode. Outlook Management Outlook Management Outlook: A family of Microsoft email and calendar products.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something....
There are few ways to get the new Outlook for Windows app. Option 1 Turn onTry the new Outlooktoggle in your current Outlook app. This option is available with desktop version of Outlook for Microsoft 365, and with the Mail and Calendar app on Windows devices. ...