Copilot in Outlookhelps you manage and triage your email and time more efficiently. It provides personalized suggestions, summaries, and insights to help you stay on top of things and save time. Whether you need help drafting the appropriate email response, schedule meetings in a few click...
探索以下资源,帮助您的组织充分利用新版 Outlook。 探索我们路线图上即将推出的功能了解新 Outlook 中的 Copilot 如何帮助您实现更多目标产品供应时间表指南用户帮助和学习 为新Outlook 做好准备 我们采用了经典 Outlook 中最受欢迎的功能,并通过现代化增强功能对其进行了重新设计,以便与所有 Microsoft 365 产品无缝集成...
Editor's note 7/11/2024 - To stay up to date on which features are available, in development, or rolling out - please follow the Microsoft 365 roadmap which has the most accurate timing. Copil...
新Outlook 与经典 Outlook 之间的功能比较 - Microsoft 支持 新的Outlook for Windows 提供最新功能、Microsoft Copilot辅助功能,以及新的新式简化设计,可帮助你连接、组织和完成工作。 我们汇总了一个功能覆盖率矩阵,以帮助你和你的团队了解与经典 Outlook 体验中目前存在的功能相比,有哪些可用和即将推出的内容。
New Outlook for Windows Start emails quickly with Copilot in Outlook The new Outlook for Windows brings the latest features, intelligent assisted capabilities and a new modern and simplified design to your Outlook app. You can tailor it to your style and do ...
Save time preparing emails with Copilot as your drafting partner.Get startedThere are few ways to get the new Outlook for Windows app. Option 1 Turn on Try the new Outlook toggle in your current Outlook app. This option is available with desktop version of Outlook for Micros...
Microsoft's new wave of features for Outlook makes it easier to write emails, find files, and remember to reply to that one email you keep putting off
Start emails quickly with Copilot in Outlook Save time preparing emails with Copilot as your drafting partner. Get started Outlook 2021 for Windows lets you better manage your inbox with the addition of new capabilities including Search at Top and Translator. ...
1Copilot for Microsoft 365: Copilot enhancement in Outlook and Excel Source: Microsoft Copilot in new Outlook for Windows If you're subscribed to Copilot Pro, you can use the AI chatbot across all Microsoft 365 apps, including Outlook. It can help you with drafting an email, changing the...
就是套壳。edge浏览器打开outlook网页版后,菜单里有个 应用-安装outlook pwa,这个模式省资源些。