The National WWII Museum in New Orleans tells the story of the American Experience in the war that changed the world - why it was fought, how it was won, and what it means today.
Based in the Central Business District, National World War II Museum is one of the most popular attractions of New Orleans. The museum reveals the story of the World War II right from its outbreak in 1939 until Germany's and Japan surrender in 1945. The four interactive galleries in the mu...
Ogden Southern Art Museum馆藏:种族议题的创作 Ogden Southern Art Museum馆藏:当代艺术装置 对旅行者而言,Ogden Southern Art Museum称不上精彩夺目蔚为大观,其中大部分当代作品对于不了解背景的观众来说也不够友好 —— 但如果你热爱并且欣赏当代艺术的话,这将是新奥尔良之旅不可错过的一部分。 New Orleans Pelica...
One of New Orleans’ most distinctive tourism attractions has nothing to do with food, music, or having a good time. Rather, it is a museum dedicated to the contributions of the USA to the Allied cause in the largest armed conflict in history. The National World War ...
Sarens recently transported the foundation pillars for the Bollinger Canopy of Peace at the World War II Museum in New Orleans. These seven pillars will support the entire canopy structure, which stands 150 feet tall and is designed to unify the museum campus. ...
Must-see museums in New Orleans include the National World War II Museum and Audubon Nature Institute.
WWII Museum in New Orleans gears up for next phase of expansionMaria Clark
The National WWII Museum History Museum Central Business District,新奥尔良 Save Share Tips258 Photos1,425 Menu 9.3/10 1,483 ratings Ranked#1forexhibitsinNew Orleans The folks atCNNandMichelin Travel & Lifestylelike this place. Would you agree?
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Throughout the year, The National WWII Museum produces and hosts special events, from air shows to black-tie affairs. Join us and have a ball! Learn how here.