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在New Orleans的第六天,我独自探索了Irene‘s这家餐厅。最近几天,我放弃了依赖百度,选择随机漫步或使用Google Map搜索。昨天下午,我在Google Map上偶然发现了一家评分极高的餐厅,立刻在Open Table上预订了位置。今天下午五点,我幸运地拿到了一个两人位,但惊讶地发现接下来的一个月都没有任何位置,这让我怀疑自己...
Barrow's Catfish Offers an Authentic New Orleans Seafood Dining Experience, With Locations Around the New Orleans Metro Area. Find a Location Near You Today.
简单来说追求口味的话推荐 Big Ez,想体验美国南方后院大桶煮海鲜的氛围的话推荐 Clesi's 餐厅推荐:Big Ez Seafood;Clesi's Seafood crawfish 小龙虾 Charbroiled Oysters|奶油炭烤生蚝 个人其实不是很推荐在新奥尔良大量吃生蚝,主要因为这里都是温水生蚝,和冷水生蚝比虽然更肥大,但蚝肉本身却没什么滋味;而且水温越高...
新奥尔良港(USA / New Orleans, LA)简介 新奥尔良港,位于美国路易斯安那州,是一个繁忙的主要港口。其港口代码为USNOL,国家/地区代码为美国/US。该港口不仅在美国内河航运中占据重要地位,还是美东线航线上的一个关键节点。新奥尔良港,位于美国南部路易斯安那州东南密西西比河的下游,地处美国内陆航运的交通要冲。...
1. Seafood 因为靠海,所以海鲜料理十分多且新鲜。有很多餐厅以生蚝闻名,不但有生吃,还有炭烤,焗烤等等各式做法。我会告诉你从不吃生蚝的我在那吃上瘾了?自己试试才知道。 2. Cajun/Creole 卡郡/克里欧菜系是法式欧式的混血菜系。两者有不同但作为游客的我们很难分辨,大部分餐厅也是两者都有。主要几种特色食物包...
Experience the Legacy of The Original Cajun Seafood Welcome to The Original Cajun Seafood, a cherished New Orleans restaurant since 1995. With multiple family-owned locations across the city, we have been serving high-quality, fresh seafood with unmatched passion and flavor. Our Cajun-inspired dishe...
英语谈资:汤食10 - New Orleans Gumbo 新奥尔良秋葵浓汤(西餐篇 83) 秋葵浓汤在美国也很常见,起源于新奥尔良。 Gumbo is a soup popular in the U.S. and originated in New Orleans. 它是由:重口味高汤,肉,海鲜,和蔬菜做成 Gumbo primarily consists of a strongly-flavored stock, meat, seafood, and vegg...
Cajun and Seafood Restaurant only 15 min from downtown New Orleans. Segnette Landing Harbor Front Dining has Full Bar with indoor and outdoor seating.
Big Fisherman Seafood, New Orleans While walking down Magazine St. to burn off all those big bivalves we ate at Casamento’s, I noticed Big Fisherman Seafood and immediately recognized the name from The Layover… “Crawfish pies!”, I remembered out loud! So even though we were stuffed, ...