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北京时间1月24日,新奥尔良黄蜂队在经过一系列的考虑后,决定在被汽车大亨汤姆-班森收购后,对队名进行更换。这个决定在4月份就已经开始酝酿,最终,他们于近日正式通过了申请,球队在下个赛季将以New Orleans Pelicans的新名称出现。Pelicans是路易斯安那州的州鸟,象征着该州的文化和特色,也常见于州旗和...
新奥尔良黄蜂队,3号是克里斯保罗,Chris Paul
新奥尔良鹈鹕队(New Orleans Pelicans)新奥尔良鹈鹕队,是一支属于美国的路易斯安那州新奥尔良为基地的职业男子篮球队,是美国男篮职业联赛(NBA)西部联盟西南赛区的一部分。鹈鹕队原为新奥尔良黄蜂队。2002-03赛季,夏洛特黄蜂队搬到新奥尔良,开启球队在新奥尔良的历史。自克里斯·保罗(2005年第一轮第四顺位...
General Greivis had a short but impactful stint with New Orleans during his eight-year NBA career. Vasquez averaged 7.4 assists per game over two seasons (144 games, 104 starts) with the Pelicans and was in the running to win Most Improved Player in 2013 but lost out to then-Indiana Pac...
新奥尔良爵士队,英文名为:New Orleans Jazz ,创立于1974年位于新奥尔良市 。 1974年是新奥尔良爵士队 加盟NBA的第一年,球队通过与老鹰的交易得到球队的第一名球员,他的名字是马拉维奇。还有去扩军选秀中收集了一批老兵,开始了爵士队的征程。 1973-1974赛季,爵士队的第一个赛季表现却不好,常规赛的战绩为23胜59负,距...
新奥尔良海盗队,英文名为:New Orleans Buccaneers ,1967年创立并加入ABA联赛。 1967-1968赛季,海盗队在前北卡球星拉里-布朗出色表现的带领下闯进了当年的总决赛,但遗憾的是球队在决赛中3-4输给了风笛手队。 1968-1969赛季,随着球队两名重要球员拉里-布朗和道奇-莫被交易走,球队实力大减,尽管还是打进了季后赛,但在...
* verifies that player has played for this team as an added player by a fan. History of theNew Orleans Jazz The New Orleans Jazz, now know asUtah Jazz,has a long and storied history in the NBA. Founded in 1974, the team was initially based out of New Orleans as part of an effort...
Related:NBA insider speculates on potential New Orleans Pelicans trade involving All-Star talent 29. Washington Wizards (Last Week: 30) Even with new head coach Brian Keefe, the Washington Wizards have been an absolute mess this season and are without a doubt the worst team in the NBA right...
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