The third axis codes the temporal relationship between seizure occurrence and EEG changes during psychoses. lnterictal onset (69%) was most frequent followed by postictal (15%), para-ictal (6%), and other (5%). EEG changes during psychoses were seen in 38%, and normalization of the EEG ...
关键词:重复经颅磁刺激,青少年,抑郁症,癫痫,轻躁狂/躁狂 Ⅱ一・ 浙江大学硕士学位论文英文摘要 rTMSInducedSeizureOfAPatientWithAdolescentOnset Depression:A Case Report AndLiteratureReView Depaurtment of psychia:t巧and mental health, College of medicille,ZhejiallguniVersi够 Post研aduate W撕g ShaIlshan...
陕西医学杂志2010年5月第39卷第5期 547 以神经系统躯体化表现为主的儿童情绪障碍42例临床分析 西安市儿童医院神经康复科(西安710002) 陈小聪 汪东 蒲利华 摘要 目的:探讨儿童情绪障碍的临床特点及相关因素。方法:对42例确诊儿童情绪障 碍住院患儿的临床特点及诱发因素进行分析。结果:发病年龄为4~14岁,平均8.6岁,...
Complex febrile seizures are characterized by focal onset, duration greater than 30 minutes, and/or more than one seizure in a 24 hour period. The likelihood of developing epilepsy (i.e., a nonfebrile seizure disorder) following simple febrile seizures is low. Complex febrile seizures are ...