Two factors are driving trial and usage. One is Microsoft Edge continues to grow in usage as it has done for the last seven quarters based on the quality of our browser. We expect new capabilities, like having Bing search and create in the Edge sidebar, will bolster further growth. The...
New Bing可以帮助你生成各种类型的内容,如文章、代码、摘要和歌词等。例如,输入“写一篇关于太空旅行的文章”,然后点击生成按钮,New Bing就会给你生成一篇文章。你可以查看生成的文章,如果满意就复制或保存,不满意就点击修改或重写按钮,New Bing会根据你的反馈来改进文章。🌈 New Bing不仅是一个搜索工具,更是一个...
考虑到无论MSN还是必应都做了不少资讯流,可能这里针对这部分做了额外的接入。总体来说,New Bing的搜索效果不太好,尤其是接入额外的搜索结果后也不理想,不如xhs。一方面是简中web的内容质量,另一方面模型没有及时更新。而在英文搜索上,它与传统的搜索引擎不太一样,提供了较少的搜索结果但更多的描述,选出来的搜索...
Get comprehensive coverage of political, government and legislature news from the New Jersey State House. Comment on NJ politics and join forum discussions at
Trump in the news BLACK-ON-WHITE: 31-year-old white mother who held twin bi-racial newborns as black ex sex-pal shot them to death ready to be a mom again: ‘It took me 9 years’ In hindsight, the red flags were everywhere. But when Florida mom Megan Hiatt, 22, decided to end...
Watch the video of today’s announcement More resources Microsoft’s framework for building AI systems responsibly Microsoft’s Responsible AI principles Meeting the AI moment: advancing the future through responsible AI Experience guide: Getting started on the new Bing preview...
New Bing三模式,你会用吗? 刚开始用New Bing的时候,你会看到三个不同的对话模式选项:创造力模式平衡模式精准模式。其实,这些模式分别对应着创造模式聊天模式搜索模式。你是不是也觉得有点绕?别担心,我来给你解释一下这三种模式的区别。 搜索模式 🔍 搜索模式就像是个搜索引擎。当你需要查找某些信息时,它会帮...
微软New Bing的错误大揭秘🔍 最近,微软推出的基于ChatGPT的新必应搜索引擎在与谷歌Bard的较量中似乎占据了上风🔥。然而,真的有这么完美吗?新加坡南洋理工大学和新加坡技术设计大学的NLP研究者们深入研究了微软发布会上展示的搜索演示,结果发现了很多错误😲。这些错误包括名人身份信息、财报数据、夜店营业时间等等。
a type of news that is provocative and lacks high standards. Generally, it doesn't have substantial social value and is purely bottomless catering to the taste of the mass. And " New yellow journalism" refers to the superficial but inflammatory...
The big news story today is the launch of Microsoft's new re-branded search engine called 'Bing'. It's aiming to take on Google and will be different in that it is designed to 'know' the meaning of search terms and understand words, 'in context'. So it should know exactly what you...