New York--Leaders from 130 nations are gathering at the United Nations to sign the historic climate deal reached in Paris last December.The signing happens on the 46th anniversary of Earth Day. Since 1970,every year people around the world observe the day by doing different activities to dean...
【题目】New York--Leaders from 130 nations ar e gathering at th e United Nations to sign th e historic climat e deal reached in Paris last D ecember. T h e signing happens on th e 46th an niversary of Earth Day. Sinc e 1970, every year peopl e around th e world observ e th...
I expect the mayor to take the next few days to review the situation and find an appropriate path forward to ensure the people of New York City are being well-served by their leaders. We must give New Yorkers confidence
SAN FRANCISCO, March 1 (Xinhua) -- A group of leaders from New York's political, business and local communities issued an open letter Friday, urging Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to reconsider his decision not to carry out a plan to build a second headquarters in New York. In the letter publishe...
ALBANY, N.Y. — Top officials from New York and New Jersey travelled to the White House Thursday to make a pitch to President Donald Trump for a new rail tunnel bene…
【题】 New York--Leaders from 130 nation s ar e gathering at th e Unit e d Nations to sig n th e historic climat e deal reach e d in Paris la st December . T h e signing happens on th e 46t h anniversary of Earth Day. Sinc e 1970 , e very year peopl e aroun d th e...
A coA coalition of New York politicians and union leaders have announced plans to repurpose empty hotels as permanent housing to ameliorate the shortage of affordable accommodation in New York City They have brought forward a bill in the New York state legislature to amend a multip...
In adopting state legislation last month to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use, New York lawmakers made it clear that they see their move largely as an exercise in social and economic equity. As implementation of the newly signed law proceeds, many will closely watch whether those who...
NEW YORK-- She called herself "unbought and unbossed." More than 50 years after Shirley Chisholm became the first Black woman to run for president, local and state leaders, andeven Vice President Kamala Harris, credit her for paving the way for all to enter politics. ...
More than 100 people who operate and support the licensed cannabis industrysent their own letter to leadersWednesday, backed by Adams, saying local enforcement would help the legal market thrive.—Jeff Coltin FAMOUSLY NOT A PRESIDENT:But Hillary Clinton also made a New York appearance this week ...