"Although there are scriptures which show that some in ancient times did assemble on the occasion of each new moon, the Bible does not command us to do the same today...Some form of ceremony took place on the day of the new moon to let the people know that a new month had begun. ...
2022Portions of the Holy Bible in the Yalë language of Papua New Guinea Yareba 1987Yareba NT Yau 1997Yau NT Yaweyuha 1983, 2011Yaweyuha NT Yawu (Yessan-Mayo) Yawu 1996Yessan-Mayo Yawu NT Yele Rossel 1998MP3Rossel NT Yessan-Mayo (Yamano) ...
2022Portions of the Holy Bible in the Yalë language of Papua New Guinea Yareba 1987Yareba NT Yau 1997Yau NT Yaweyuha 1983, 2011Yaweyuha NT Yawu (Yessan-Mayo) Yawu 1996Yessan-Mayo Yawu NT Yele Rossel 1998MP3Rossel NT Yessan-Mayo (Yamano) ...
2022Portions of the Holy Bible in the Yalë language of Papua New Guinea Yareba 1987Yareba NT Yau 1997Yau NT Yaweyuha 1983, 2011Yaweyuha NT Yawu (Yessan-Mayo) Yawu 1996Yessan-Mayo Yawu NT Yele Rossel 1998MP3Rossel NT Yessan-Mayo (Yamano) ...
The Bible: that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament, translated according to the Hebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in divers languagesAnonymous
➤ AUGUST 2024, Bible Examples of God's Oneness —A List of Bible Examples of the oneness of God. We look at what the scriptures reveal about God's oneness. Just a neat simple list for reference. There are several ways in which God is one....
New Moon Observance The Hebrew calendar is based on the lunar cycle. The first evening the new moon of each cycle can be observed in the sky denotes the beginning of a new month on the Hebrew calendar. According to the Bible, new moons are also cause for celebration. ...
1. White Moon - Black Moon: the hands point upwards and downwards to these symbols, which are 'White Man - Black Man' (Man and Moon are linked in the Germanic Tongue). On the arm is 'Solve et Coagula' - a formula for breaking down and running together the Black Man and White Man...
One of the scriptures Jean wrote on this sheet was Romans 14:7-9. Here Paul says, “For none of us lives for himself, and no one dies for himself. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we belong to the ...
After looking up all the scriptures cited inSilent Singing, I think the word "gene" says it all. You're drawing a thread from extremism in ancient history — like that account in Ezekiel of slaughtering the idolators — to what we're seeing today. ...