During this time, it appears as though you can see the entire disk of the moon dimly illuminated with an almost bluish-gray glow, along with the brightly lit crescent. As such, the term Earthshine is sometimes referred to as "The old moon in the new moon's arms." The glow is produced...
The Full Thunder Moon of July July’s full moon is called the Full Thunder Moon, after the frequent thunderstorms that roll in during early summer. Thunderstorms are more likely to form in humid environments during summer because of the moist, hot air rising from the ground to the higher, c...
The new moon of July 2024 occurs today as Earth reaches its farthest point from the sun, known as aphelion.
The Cancer New Moon arrives on the highly auspicious day of July 17, 2023. On this day, theLunar Nodesalso shift signs for the first time in almost two years, signifying both the start and end of a karmic cycle. With karmic energy strong under this New Moon, we may find ourselves push...
Too, we’ll either likely see some previous (and probably no longer functioning) system removed, with the Capricorn New Moon system proposed in its place, or we see a lack in or even an ’empty’ life area suddenly alive with the promise of both order and meaning. That’s really the ...
::: full moon in capricorn ::: July 21st 2024~ this is a pivotal time where we are ending certain chapters and opening new ones as we make decisions that move us into new frequencies and ways of being in our world... Read More... ...
January Full Moon Name The very first full moon of the year is known in many cultures as the Full Wolf Moon, which is appropriate given the deep, ancient ties between wolves and January’s full moon. For instance, the Gaelic word for January,Faoilleach, comes from the term for wolves,...
This New Moon will be an emotional one. A time that will see you bearing your soul in a way you perhaps haven't before.
This New Moon at nearly 25 degrees of Cancer becomes exact at 2:32 PM New York time (18:32 GMT) today, on Monday, July 17, 2023. This New Moon coincides with the True North Node entering Aries, where it will remain through January 2025. I...
to new moon July 2020 is Alpha Canis Minoris, Procyon. It is a massive first magnitude star, the eighth-brightest star in the night sky. This gives Procyon the largest possible orb used in fixed star astrology of 2°40′. So at 2°23′ from the new moon, it does have some ...