Monday - 8th April 2024 -Lunar calendar, Moon Phases (UT/GMT)Time |Change to your local timezone DateMoon Phase (Lunar Phase)Moon SignChart April 8, 2024 NEW MOON at 18:20 Solar EclipseAries19°23’(chart) Moon inAries: The feeling of uncertainty can make you solve problems faster then...
This is a Moon Phases Schedule for April 2024 showing the Full Moon, New Moon and Quarter phase date and times.
Full moon:The moon is 180 degrees away from the sun and is as close as it can be to being fully illuminated by the sun from our perspective. The sun, Earth and the moon are aligned, but because the moon’s orbit is not exactly in the same plane as Earth’s orbit around the sun,...
So new moon April 2020 is just the latest in a series of very difficult moon phases. Reinforcing the challenging nature of this new moon, it is joined by fixed stars that have a Mars-Saturn nature. This planetary combination indicates frustration, anger, violence, cruelty, crime, loss, and...
April New Moon Spotting - Danjon Limit April 21TomBeth
The April New Moon on the 5th is the midpoint of this journey and is the marker where we get to decide if we are ready for something new. Perhaps you are feeling this in your life in some way. Perhaps you are feeling the call to let go of the old you. Perhaps you are feeling ...
Aries(March 19-April 19) Bring on the erotic renaissance! Life and love take a turn for the sizzling on November 1, as the new moon in Scorpio fires up your sensually-chargedeighth house. No matter your romantic status, you can expect the stars to enhance your animal magnetism and rev ...
The Moon is New in Aries on April 11, 2021, at 10:31 PM EDT. The following is the chartwheel of the New Moon in Aries occurring in 2021. The New Moon in Aries marks the beginning of a new cycle. The Pisces New Moon cycle ends and the Aries New Moon cycle
Stream on Netflix from April 18 "Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver" To be blunt, the first “Rebel Moon” movie wasn’t very good (it scored just 21% on Rotten Tomatoes), so the general hype levels for “Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver” seem muted at best....
Aries(March 19-April 19) If you had notions of starting your New Year’s Eve celebrations a day early, you might be disappointed. Silver lining? Getting a jump-start on your resolutions is totally in the stars. December 30’s Capricorn new moon—a rare black moon—lands in your ambitious...