the fictional state of Chenarussia, DayZ has taken the industry by storm. I would even go on to say it is the new MineCraft. It is novel. It is a lot of fun to play. It redefines open-ended. And it allows you to set a goal and follow it without any one telling you to do it...
Hearts Of Iron IVisn't the only title that's gotten an Aryan makeover. Stormfront-affiliated gamers haveproduced modslike Stormer Doom, aDoommod in which you get points by shooting Jews (and Bill Clinton), and aCounter-Strikemod that changes your heroes' clothes to neo-Nazi regalia. They'...
We’re working with Twitch to ensure a smoothtransition. Once Twitch is able to transfer a user’s account in accordance with its privacy protection practices (GDPR etc.), the account should see no change and maintain its mod list/mod packs. Learn more about how Twitch and Overwolf are pr...