Microsoft Excel Microsoft Outlook Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Teams Microsoft WordFor more information, see Plan for Change: Specific app configuration values will be automatically sent to specific apps and Intune Support tip: Intune MAM users on iOS/iPadOS userless devices may be blocked in rare...
Start from a document - upload content from a Word document or PowerPoint presentation Select on Create New to get started with your own Sway. Sway uses cards to build content for the digital story. Cards can contain text, images, embedded videos or tweets, and sound recordings. Images and ...
In Teams Premium, PowerPoint Live and Whiteboard content are now supported in meetings with watermark enabled. To learn more, seeWatermark for Teams meetings. Find it all in Recap If your meeting has a recap, you can now access its recording and transcript in theRecaptab instead of the previo...
You can even select multiple programs to share if you need to work with more than one program. If you have PowerPoint, you can now upload presentations that contain video clips. Simply upload the PowerPoint file and point the mouse over the slide to unhide the video controls to play, pause...
PowerPoint Rendering and Export: The Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) format is a new SQL Server 2016 (13.x) Reporting Services or later (SSRS) rendering extension. You can export reports in the .pptx format from the usual applications: Report Builder, Report Designer (in SSDT), and the web ...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.EApplication_Event.NewPresentation(NewPresentation事件。) 示例 本示例使用RGB函数将新演示文稿的幻灯片母版的背景色设置为鲑鱼粉色,并将第三个配色方案应用于新的演示文稿。 VB复制 PrivateSubApp_NewPresentation(ByValPresAsPresentation)WithPresSetCS3 = .ColorSchemes(3) CS3.Co...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.EApplication_NewPresentationEventHandler( NewPresentation代理人)。 Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.EApplication_Event.NewPresentation( NewPresentation事件)。 範例 此範例使用 RGB 函數將新簡報的投影片母片背景色彩設定為淡橙粉紅,然後將第三個色彩配置套用到新的簡報。 VB 複...
Set-SPPowerPointConversionServiceApplication Set-SPProfileServiceApplication Set-SPProfileServiceApplicationProxy Set-SPProfileServiceApplicationSecurity Set-SPProjectDatabaseQuota Set-SPProjectEventServiceSettings Set-SPProjectOdataConfiguration Set-SPProjectPCSSettings Set-SPProjectPermissionMode Set-SPProjectQueueSetti...
Microsoft Ignite 2024 年 11 月 19 日 から 22 日 今すぐ登録 アラートを無視 Learn 発見 製品ドキュメント 開発言語 トピック サインイン Visual Basic for Applications 参照(製品別) VBA 言語リファレンス Office ライブラリ リファレンス ...
With Copilot in PowerPoint, you can create a presentation from an existing Word document—or a PDF if you have a Microsoft 365 Copilot (work) license. Point Copilot in PowerPoint to your document, and it will generate slides, apply layouts, create speaker ...