为新Outlook 做好准备 我们采用了经典 Outlook 中最受欢迎的功能,并通过现代化增强功能对其进行了重新设计,以便与所有 Microsoft 365 产品无缝集成。您信赖的 Outlook 现在包含新功能,旨在让您的工作流程更顺畅、更高效。 观看操作视频下载资源列表技术文档了解加载项...
The ability to support Microsoft accounts\n Now you can add your personal Outlook.com, Hotmail, or Windows Live email accounts to this new Outlook for Windows.\n Add your other Microsoft email accounts\n Quick Steps\n Now you can save time with the Quick Steps feature, which shows personali...
根据我的测试,可以通过以下步骤清除在登录界面提示的建议账户: 关闭New Outlook。 打开此路径,清除所有的内容。 YAML复制 C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneAuth\blobs 打开此路径,删除您想要删除的账户的相关的文件: YAML复制 (双击打开文件,选择使用记事本打开,可以看到内容中会显示相关账户的邮箱地址...
Create free account Notes: If you don't have your own email, or want to get a new Outlook.com email address, go tooutlook.comand selectCreate free account. Addresses used for Microsoft accounts cannot be not reused. Even if an account was closed a long time ago, you cann...
Create free account Notes: If you don't have your own email, or want to get a new Outlook.com email address, go tooutlook.comand selectCreate free account. Addresses used for Microsoft accounts cannot be not reused. Even if an account was closed a long time ago, you cannot create a ne...
首先我们使用的是office 365的服务,后台也没有做任何限制(如下图),分配的许可证可以正常登陆 Outlook客户端,也可以正常登陆“邮件”服务,也尝试和office 365沟通,反馈需要联系Outlook支持人员,也尝试在“outlook(new)”客户端的帮助 ->联系客户支持,与支持联系,一直没有回复。后又联系400电话,告知可以在线提问。
If you don't see the app installed, follow the steps in Option 2 to install new Outlook directly from the Microsoft Store. Add an account to new Outlook If your account wasn't added automatically, or you haven't added an account yet, follow the steps in Add an email ac...
after which the new Outlook began to save settings and account data. I do not know if it is possible to leave a link to the instructions here, so I will simply say that I changed the C:\Users\<user> path in the registry (regedit) and renamed the user through the account m...
Once that's done and you're ready to add your account to Outlook, you'll enter the app password to the password field in Outlook instead of using your regular password.Tip: Many iCloud accounts require an app password. If you're using an Apple email ...
Organizing several email accounts requires checking and sorting inboxes from different providers. A dependable email client like Microsoft Outlook simplifies this in one place. However, you need to check the version of Outlook you currently have to setup the right email configurations. ...