Visit Hamilton Hyundai in Clovis for your Hyundai and used cars. We also offer auto services and parts to all drivers near Portales, NM, Muleshoe, and Hereford, TX.
Due to the state’s location, New Mexico drivers may be especially interested in Allstate’s Mexico tourist car insurance policy. The company also offers rideshare insurance, extended vehicle care (an add-on that works similarly to an extended warranty), gap insurance, new car replacement and ...
" a service contract is not a warranty as defined by federal law. A service contract may be arranged at any time and always costs extra; a warranty comes with a new car and is included in the original price.
What we do Our award-winning vehicle warranty and add-on insurance products provide motorists worldwide with unparalleled peace-of-mind. As the trusted partner of choice for industry-leading manufacturers and dealerships, we offer end-to-end aftercare solutions that protect their customers. With ove...
Beware of the sales pitch that the service contract will help the resale value of the car. A buyer has just paid three years for a service that might never be used.More... 16) What if I did get an extended warranty from the vehicle dealer?
Beware of the sales pitch that the service contract will help the resale value of the car. A buyer has just paid three years for a service that might never be used.More... 16) What if I did get an extended warranty from the vehicle dealer?
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Beware of the sales pitch that the service contract will help the resale value of the car. A buyer has just paid three years for a service that might never be used.More... 16) What if I did get an extended warranty from the vehicle dealer?
Beware of the sales pitch that the service contract will help the resale value of the car. A buyer has just paid three years for a service that might never be used.More... 16) What if I did get an extended warranty from the truck dealer?
Beware of the sales pitch that the service contract will help the resale value of the car. A buyer has just paid three years for a service that might never be used.More... 16) What if I did get an extended warranty from the vehicle dealer?