The New York Speeding Ticket Lawyer professionals provide clients aggressive New York Traffic Court representation at affordable fees. We are a New York traffic defense law firm dedicated to protecting your driving rights in New York and ensuring fair treatment under the traffic court laws in New Yo...
We asked a local attorney what he thought about the topic. Who's responsible for an automatic speeding ticket caught on camera? Is the driver or the owner of the car on the hook for the violation? "The law imposes liability onto the owner similar to in car accident cases, whereby the o...
Do you need a New York lawyer for a speeding or traffic violation? As aSpeeding Ticket Lawyer, I have successfully negotiated hundreds of vehicle and traffic cases,saving my clients points on their driving records, increased fine amounts and potential insurance increases.* >In most cases, I go...
"They give me a ticket 5 months ago in the state of New Mexico, since I'm from Texas I decided to hire the Valdez Law Firm so they can fight for me speeding ticket, it was a long way, lots of court trials, never show myself in court, he always wave my Appearance, now I'm ...
For some people, speeding tickets are simply a way of life. Unfortunately, they don’t realize that the accumulated penalties of these violations can result in devastating consequences. It is wise to work with a skilled lawyer as soon as you receive the ticket, rather than simply paying the ...
John is an Upstate New York traffic ticket attorney, speeding ticket and UPM lawyer, who can handle your speeding ticket and traffic violation matters throughout Upstate New York.
To check status of your pending ticket/s "case" - CLICK HERE To check status of your driving license - create FREE "MY DMV ACCOUNT" - CLICK HERE CLICK HERE FOR MORE IMPORTANT UPDATES Due to Corona virus increasing trend some tickets may be rescheduled by court. If you feel sick you ...
How much is a speeding ticket in New York? New York insurance laws are clear on the penalties a driver incurs when they receive a speeding ticket. These include both civic fines and the possibility of jail time. In addition to that, your car insurance premiums are likely to increase, too...
Speeding Other Tickets Criminal Lawyers More Aggressive Traffic Ticket Defense Fight your ticket to save money, time and stop harsh penalties. Avoid Insurance Points The cost savings in fines and auto insurance premiums from a reduction or elimination of points could save you thousands of dollar...
Free Consultation - Call (631) 665-2200 - Law Office of Gary S. Miller aggressively represents the accused against charges in Traffic Ticket and Speeding Ticket cases.