Location:Las Cruces International Current Time:1 Jan 2025, 07:12:06 Latest Report:1 Jan 2025, 06:35 Visibility:16 km Pressure:1022 mbar(881 mbar at 1187m altitude) Humidity:34% Dew Point:-14 °C Upcoming 5 hours Now08:0009:0010:0011:0012:00 ...
Hourly weather forecast in New Mexico for the next 15 days: temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, rain, snow, wind, humidity, pressure, fog, sun, thunder, uv index.
Time for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset in Las Cruces – New Mexico – USA. Dawn and dusk (twilight) times and Sun and Moon position. Takes into account Daylight Saving Time (DST).
How Many Rainy Days a year are there in New Mexico?N/A How Much Sunshine each year is there in New Mexico (in hours)?N/A How much, if any, snow falls each year in New Mexico?N/A N/A= This data was not available for this city. Usually this means the weather station did not ...
New Mexico, constituent state of the U.S., which became the 47th state of the union in 1912. It ranks fifth among the states in terms of total area and is bounded by Colorado to the north, Oklahoma and Texas to the east, Texas and Mexico to the south, an
NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – Snow with a little bit of chilly rain activity is sagging to the southeast in the East Plains of New Mexico to the Southern Mountains as bitterly colder air is the big weather story this morning with leftover breezy northerly winds making it feel even colder for many...
New Mexico - Oil, Tourism, Agriculture: New Mexico is a comparatively poor state, ranking among the lowest in the country in per capita income. About one-half of its economy is based on the service sector, while much of the remainder is centred on extrac
Seven major hubs will be dotted around the country, centred in Raleigh, North Carolina; Durham, New Hampshire; Ames, Iowa; Fort Collins, Colorado; El Reno, Oklahoma; Corvallis, Oregon; and Las Cruces, New Mexico. All will be overseen by the USDA....
Bring Warm Weather Clothes During the late fall and early winter months, New Mexico can become quite cold at night and early mornings, with temperatures falling into the 30s (Fahrenheit). As many of the Aurora Flight activities are scheduled to occur during the early morning hours (including th...
Local Weather Las Cruces, NM 64° Sunny 7:04 am5:08 pm MST Feels like: 64°F Wind: 5mphSSW Humidity: 12% Pressure: 29.94"Hg UV index: 2 TueWedThu 72°F/ 41°F 72°F/ 36°F 64°F/ 39°F 101 Gold's Latest Keith Richards on why he covered ‘Run Rudolph Run’: ‘It was...