New Mexico inmate records offer information about individuals held in state and private detention centers, jails, and prisons. The New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD) manages these records and provides public access. However, it does not oversee county or city detention facilities. The NMCD pr...
In the enclosed environment of prisons and jails, COVID-19 is likely to spread much more easily than it would in the outside world. Some criminal defense attorneys may not care about your health and safety once you are behind bars. Not so with us. If you suffer from an underlying ...
Actually, in New Mexico, correctional facilities and prisons are essentially the same. Correctional facilities often encompass both prisons and jails, with prisons being a subset of the correctional system. Regardless of whether an inmate is held in a New Mexico corrections institution or a prison,...
Violence in prisons is a reality. Even minimum security prisons and jails have their share of violent incidents. Even though inmates are not permitted to have weapons, they manage to get their hands on them one way or another. Sometimes they are smuggled in by visitors, sometimes they are st...
Nearly 200 survivors of sex abuse in New York jails rallied in Lower Manhattan on Wednesday, saying there's been no action from the state or city to make jails safer. Nov 14, 2024 Renewed push on to close Rikers Island CBS News New York's Zinnia Maldonado has new details about the...
Both new and old jails crowded, hitting record inmate levelsJOHN BRANTON, Columbian
Using data from the 2002 Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, this study fills the gap in the literature by examining the associations between engagement in various activities in jail and inmate misconduct. This study also explores individual and jail-level factors that predict inmate engagement in ...
Needless to say but jails and prisons have VERY strict rules about what you can and cannot bring to a facility, for obvious reasons. Also needless to say but, these confiscated items are definitely on the 'cannot' list. Whether you are a visitor to a particular facility or an inmate at ...
In Mexico City, a Political Deal Redone (Americas)After winning a municipal post in Mexico City with the help of a backroom deal, an activist-turned-politician agrees to give it up — on his terms. 5PM 30 SepU.S. Official Meets With Cuban Authorities (Americas)State Department ...
These were Harris Hawks, originally found in Texas, Mexico and much of Central America. Their diet consists of small creatures including birds, lizards, mammals and large insects. But because it will hunt in groups, the Harris Hawk can also take down larger prey, such as jackrabbits. Eight ...