let map1 = new Map(); // insert key-value pair map1.set('info', {name: 'Jack', age: 26}); console.log(map1); // Map {"info" => {name: "Jack", age: 26}} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 也可以将对象或函数用作键。例如, // Map with object key let map2 = ...
var mapValues = require( '@stdlib/utils-map-values' ); mapValues( obj, transform ) Maps values from one object to a new object having the same keys. function transform( value, key ) { return key + value; } var obj1 = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }; var obj2 = mapValues( obj1, ...
/* File: newrelic.js */'use strict'/*** New Relic agent configuration.** See lib/config/default.js in the agent distribution for a more complete* description of configuration variables and their potential values.*/exports.config={app_name:['Your application or service name'],license_key:...
GridViews also support a richer variety of column types ("field types" in GridView parlance) than DataGrids do, and they have smarter default rendering behavior, automatically rendering Boolean values, for example, with checkboxes. GridViews are easily paired ...
constmap =newMap([[1,1], [{a:1},2], ["1",3]]);constfn =function(value, key, map) {console.log(`${value}=${key}`,this) } map.forEach(fn,window);// value = key Window// 2 = 1 Window keys() values() entries() ...
As with Page Inspector, you can select elements from the running application and go directly to the location in the source. You can see the styles applied and change values while the application is running. Want to put a breakpoint in some JavaScript? Go ahead, and then do some live debug...
Bug fix The Vendor group field on the Accounts form doesn't filter values based on the selected company. General availability Bug fix Saving a Vendor record in a finance and operations app fails with the error message Can't convert the literal '' to the expected type 'Edm.I...
The part after "xmlns:" is the prefix that is going to be associated with each behavior or control. The URL for the namespace is using the "javascript:" protocol to map the prefix to a specific JavaScript type. The "sys" namespace is a special system namespace that should be mapped ...
Sets header values for all URLs matching the specified regex pattern. Users can update the custom header value with valid XML to set header values for selected request URLs. Admins can add any number of headers in the XML. See CustomHeaders in the Reporting Services Server Properties Advanced ...
Updates MapView to use JavaScript 4.17 Adds note to MapView documentation clarifying proper configuration to avoid various CORS errors Addresses many browser connection errors with the gis.map() functionality Example: BUG-000124898 - IWA authenticated portals returning authentication error Changes default ...