This cmdlet is available in on-premises Exchange and in the cloud-based service. Some parameters and settings may be exclusive to one environment or the other. Use the New-MailboxRestoreRequest cmdlet to restore a soft-deleted or disconnected mailbox. This cmdlet starts the process of moving ...
This cmdlet is available in on-premises Exchange and in the cloud-based service. Some parameters and settings may be exclusive to one environment or the other. Use the New-MailboxRestoreRequest cmdlet to restore a soft-deleted or disconnected mailbox. This cmdlet starts the process of moving ...
* + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingMandatoryParameter,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Migration.MailboxReplication.MailboxRestoreRequest.NewMailboxRestoreRequest* Not sure if it makes a difference but if I run Get-Mailbox - InactiveMailboxOnly I do not get anything returned I only see the deleted mail...
IsApprovalRequest IsArchive IsAssignmentEditable IsAssociated IsAutomaticForward IsAutomaticReply IsCancelled IsClutter IsComplete IsContactPhoto IsDebug IsDelegated IsDeliveryReceiptRequested IsDraft IsEnabled IsEncrypted IsEqualTo IsException IsExternalMailbox IsFolderContact IsFolderOwner IsFolderVisible IsFrom...
Exchange 2013: [PS] C:\\>New-MailboxRepairRequest -Mailbox User532 -CorruptionType SearchFolder,FolderView,AggregateCounts, ProvisionedFolder,ReplState,MessagePTAGCn,MessageID,RuleMessageClass,RestrictionFolder,FolderACL, UniqueMidIndex,CorruptJunkRule,MissingSpecialFolders,DropAllLazyIndex...
makeEwsRequestAsync getUserIdentityTokenAsync getCallbackTokenAsync If your add-in uses legacy Exchange tokens and works with Exchange Online, you must adopt NAA as soon as possible. This is necessary to maintain compatibility with Exchange Online. Add-ins used o...
NOTE: When using a Skype for Business client, with either Office 2013 or Office 2016, this policy won't work in the same way. In that combination, the Skype for Business client uses the search capabilities of Office (mso.dll), which finds contacts from Exchange mailbox contact folders. Th...
Sync optimization for Mailbox.In Secure Mail for iOS, theMailboxsynchronization is improved to provide a better user experience. TheCalendarand theContactsare synced more quickly. Emails that are older than 3 weeks are truncated to reduce the sync time. You can view the complete email when you...
The Mailbox server includes all the traditional server components found in Exchange 2010: the Client Access protocols, Transport service, Mailbox databases, and Unified Messaging. The Mailbox server handles all activity for the active mailboxes on that server. The Client Access server provides ...
[-Partition <MailboxIdParameter>] [-PrimaryOnly] [-RemoveOnCopy] [-RenamePrimaryCalendar] [-ReportInterval <Timespan>] [-Restore] [-SimplifiedSwitchOver] [-SkipCalendar] [-SkipContacts] [-SkipDelegates] [-SkipMail] [-SkipMerging <MultiValuedProperty>] [-SkipMoving <MultiValuedProperty>] [-...