“MacBook Air 是首个采用固态闪存替代机械旋转存储的新一代笔记本”,Apple 首席执行官 Steve Jobs 说,“我们采用从 iPad 身上学到的精华—固态存储、瞬间唤醒、超长电池待机时间、小巧和轻盈构造,打造全新的 MacBook Air。凭借惊人的快速响应能力和移动性,全新 MacBook Air 将改变我们对笔记本电脑的认识。” 全新M...
12寸New Mac..新人文笔一般,对Mac并不太熟悉只在两年前拥有过很短一段时间的RMBP15。首先说说我为什么会选这台电脑,很多人都喷这台电脑性能太差,没有风扇散热太差等等。我只想说,人家这12寸New Macbook
本人是留学党,在此开..有些配件不是留学党也可以选购哦,本人设备镇楼@苏北北ML 吧主求精先去吃饭回来更1.usb-c转换线大家都知道nmb使用的usb c插口,所以转换接口是必不可缺的,由于单转usb的不能实现边充电边使用usb,所以就选配这个,还能使用HDMI接口
Thank you! Reply User profile for user: MacMikeInOK MacMikeInOK User level: Level 4 3,697 points Feb 27, 2024 12:30 PM in response to WriterK You're welcome. Reply of 1 Macbookair new or refurb?Welcome to Apple Support Community A...
New MacBook Air M2 won't stay connected to external monitor Brand new machine. Using a new docking station that worked fine with my older MacBook including full, uninterrupted support for extended display to a second monitor. Since setting up my new MB2 one day ago, my external monitor ...
时过境迁,MacBook Air更新了,它有着更高级的全贴合屏幕,有着更高性能的处理器,屏幕边框收窄了,当然价格也相应提升了一个档次。从外观来看它是极致简洁的工艺品,从性能来看,它是一只静音潜伏的猫科动物。新MacBook Air采用了酷睿Y系超低压7W TDP(功耗)的处理器,相对于MacBook Pro或者同价位的Win本来说...
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Amazon is offering $49 discounts on select models of the brand-new 15.3-inch MacBook Air, which will officially launch on June 13. You can get...
Best Buy is on a roll this week when it comes to MacBook discounts, starting with 15-inch M2 MacBook Air and M3 MacBook Pro discounts over the...