Furthermore, the whole thing has been successfully redesigned to match the look of Mac OS X. The fonts, color schemes and tool panels look like they’ve come straight from the designers at Apple — especially the palette that lets you drop your iPhoto pictures into Word or the other program...
Previa sottoscrizione, è anche possibile eseguire ricerche IP NETGEO, controlli di indirizzi MAC e dump di file dell'area completi. Tutto sommato, si tratta di un set di strumenti decisamente prezioso.Prezzo: 3 dollari al mese per l'appartenenza di un singolo utente (accesso completo e...
The app also allows you to maintain an address book of hostnames and IP and MAC addresses of interest. Another nice feature is its ability to reconstruct data flows based upon TCP streams, such as HTTP, and present them in an easy-to-read format. And this can be done with just a ...
Apple includes a useful tool as part of macOS: Migration Assistant. This feature is similar to Setup Assistant, which only runs during the setup of a new Mac. Therefore, if you have set up your Mac as new, you can use Migration Assistant to copy files from either a backup or...
So, as someone who used Windows for the first 20+ years of their life and only recently switched to Mac, I feel more than qualified to bring you all of the tips and tricks you need to know if you just got your first Mac. Before we dive in, I do want you to know that I’ve ...
Added a new switch to the command-line tool to control whether archives are scanned during on-demand scans. This can be configured through mdatp config scan-archives --value [enabled/disabled]. By default, this is set to enabled. Product improvements...
Microsoft doesn't support manually setting up a profile in Outlook for connectivity to mailboxes in Exchange Online in Microsoft 365. However, we can help you complete other tasks, such as setting up DNS and Autodiscover records as discussed in Method 2. This method lets you set up your acco...
The main concern is that users may only have one Apple ID associated with a given device at a time, so now the only way to manage multiple devices is to manually sign in and out of multiple Apple IDs on the website. While not a major problem, a number ofMacRumorsreaders have emailed...
If you own aMacBook or Mac, then you almost definitely didn't pick one up for gaming. They've never been known for that, which is a shame given the sheer amount of power that you can find in any Macbook these days thanks toApple Silicon. However, at the company's WWDC, it announ...
MacRumorsclaims to have found the images hiding within the recent macOS Sierra 10.12.1 update. The images show the new MacBook Pro will sport the "Magic Toolbar" that's been rumored for months. This is an OLED strip that sits where the function keys should be. With its functionality chan...