…One thing you notice at the end of the 20’s is the proliferation of color ads in The New Yorker, some quite lavish including this appeal from Electrolux, which depicted all of the new apartments popping up around the city powered by their gas appliances… …and we have another lovely ...
animals.” Smith was also a humanitarian, and in addition to advocating for the working class, he was an early critic of the Nazi regime in Germany, vigorously supporting the Anti-Nazi boycott of 1933. Here is another excerpt from the “Talk” piece: LIFE OUTSIDE THE OFFICE…Scenes of pos...
…Alan Dunnfound a young couple living above one of the city’s “skyscraper churches,” the result of valuable Manhattan church property being developed into a combinations of churches and hi-rise apartments… …an example of a “skyscraper church” is Calvary Baptist Church at 123 West 57th...
…James Thurbergave us two examples of female aggression… …this one a bit less deadly… …here’s an early work by the greatGeorge Price(1901-1995), who beginning in 1929 contributedNew Yorkercartoons for almost six decades… …Peter Arnoshowed us that among the uppers, even nudism had i...
M. Bates, Bootleggers, Bowery Theatre, Central Park Casino, Century Apartments, Century Theatre, Charles Lindbergh, Chimney Corner, Constantin Alajalov, Count Maxence de Polignac, E.B. White, Helen Hokinson, I. Klein, Irving Trust Building, Irwin S. Chanin, Isadore Klein, James Thurber, Janet...