public class LeakyClass : MonoBehaviour { private static List<LeakyClass> _instances = new List<LeakyClass>(); void Start() => _instances.Add(this); // 静态列表持有引用,导致泄漏 } 解决方案:在OnDestroy中清理引用: csharp 复制 void OnDestroy() => _instances.Remove(this); 3.事件与委托 订...
那自然就没法释放内存;举几个简单的例子:new GameObject("111"); 这个对象是Unity会持有引用的,因此...
unity C#层到处new 数据结构像list dictionary以及unity的一些gameobject对象等,用完就不管了,真的不会造...
ObjNum.Add(bagBakcGround.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0), bagBakcGround.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(1).gameObject); } } List<Transform> ObjKey = new List<Transform>(ObjNum.Keys); for (int i = 0; i < bagBakcGround.transform.childCount; i++) ...
canvasTransform = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform; } return canvasTransform; } } private Dictionary<UIPanelType, string> panelPathDict;//存储所有面板Prefab的路径 private Dictionary<UIPanelType, BasePanel> panelDict; //保存所有实例化面板的游戏物体身上的BasePanel组件 ...
1. In the Hierarchy, select the AR Session Origin GameObject. 2. In the Inspector, select Add Component. 3. Search for and add an AR Face Manager component. 选择要展开的图像 You used the Face Manager in the previous project. This component manages the human faces detected in the scene. ...
Follow these instructions to create a single GameObject that contains all pairs of glasses:1. In the Project window, go to Assets > _InteractiveFaceFilter > Meshes.2. Drag the three pairs of glasses that you want to add to the app from the Project window into the Hierarchy window....
For example, if you pass MonoBehaviour.destroyCancellationToken, it will be reliably unsubscribed in conjunction with the GameObject's lifecycle. public static Observable<Unit> AsObservable(this UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent unityEvent, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) public static Observable<T>...
private List<float> initialSizes = new List<float>(); void Awake() { // Save off all the initial scale values at start. Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ void Awake() } } } void Start() { gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(ScaleSize, ScaleSize, ScaleSize); Expand All...
public class LeakyClass : MonoBehaviour { private static List<LeakyClass> _instances = new List<LeakyClass>(); void Start() => _instances.Add(this); // 静态列表持有引用,导致泄漏 } 解决方案:在OnDestroy中清理引用: csharp 复制 void OnDestroy() => _instances.Remove(this); 3.事件与委托 订...