We stay on the lighter side, joining critic John Mosher at the local cinema to appreciate Leslie Howard’s dashing performance in The Scarlet Pimpernel… WORKING OVERTIME…Leslie Howard and Merle Oberon in The Scarlet Pimpernel. Howard portrayed an aristocrat who leads a double life, publicly appe...
We stay on the lighter side, joining critic John Mosher at the local cinema to appreciate Leslie Howard’s dashing performance in The Scarlet Pimpernel… WORKING OVERTIME…Leslie Howard and Merle Oberon in The Scarlet Pimpernel. Howard portrayed an aristocrat who leads a double life, publicly appe...
“independent contractor,” gig economy, struggles. Loach, one of the more strident Cassandras of socially engaged narrative cinema, has, since the 1960’s, been producing unflinching portraits of the economically, politically, and socially disenfranchised. He sends up broken systems through the lives...
We stay on the lighter side, joining critic John Mosher at the local cinema to appreciate Leslie Howard’s dashing performance in The Scarlet Pimpernel… WORKING OVERTIME…Leslie Howard and Merle Oberon in The Scarlet Pimpernel. Howard portrayed an aristocrat who leads a double life, publicly appe...
READY FOR HER CLOSEUP…Clockwise, from top left, in one of cinema’s most iconic scenes, Queen Christina (Greta Garbo) stands as a silent figurehead at the bow of a ship as the camera moves in for a tight close-up; Garbo with co-star and real-life romantic partner John Gilbert—it ...
Posted on January 8, 2024Categories advertising, Broadway, celebrities, cinema, New Yorker cartoons, Nightlife, The New Yorker Magazine, TheatreTags Bright Eyes 1934, Clarence Day, E.B. White, Gardner Rea, Garrett Price, George Price, Helen Hokinson, James Thurber, John Mosher, Katharine Cornel...
…where we appropriately look to the skyline, which was givingLewis Mumforda crick in the neck… THAT’LL DO…Lewis Mumfordwas not a fan of giant skyscrapers, but when the architects of the Empire State Building turned their attention to the Insurance Company of North America building at 99...
We stay on the lighter side, joining criticJohn Mosherat the local cinema to appreciateLeslie Howard’sdashing performance inThe Scarlet Pimpernel… WORKING OVERTIME…Leslie HowardandMerle OberoninThe Scarlet Pimpernel.Howard portrayed an aristocrat who leads a double life, publicly appearing as a dand...
Mumford reviewed the exhibit in his regular column, “The Sky Line.” Excerpts: BETTER HOMES…Images from the exhibit included the squalor of a tenement (top right) that offered a stark contrast to the clean, modern look inspired by European designers. (MoMA) ...
HARD TO BEAT…A TWA Douglas DC-2 could get you to California faster than either United or American—fifteen hours from Newark to Los Angeles. (wahsonline.com) When we think of flying in the 1930s many of us recall the great travel posters featuring Pan American’s Clipper Ships—flying ...