TestNotInList TestPass TestPlan TestPlanProperty TestPlans TestProperty TestResult TestResultDetails TestRun TestRunner TestRunProperty TestSettings TestSuite TestSuiteRequirement TestVariable TextAndImage Textarea TextBlock TextBox TextCenter TextElement TextFile TextJustify TextLeft TextLineHeight TextRight...
TestNotInList TestPass TestPlan TestPlanProperty TestPlans TestProperty TestResult TestResultDetails TestRun TestRunner TestRunProperty TestSettings TestSuite TestSuiteRequirement TestVariable TextAndImage TextArea TextBlock TextBox TextCenter TextElement TextFile TextJustify TextLeft TextLineHeight TextRight...
TestNotInList TestPass TestPlan TestPlanProperty TestPlans TestProperty TestResult TestResultDetails TestRun TestRunner TestRunProperty TestSettings TestSuite TestSuiteRequirement TestVariable TextAndImage TextArea TextBlock TextBox TextCenter TextElement TextFile TextJustify TextLeft TextLineHeight TextRig...
TestNotInList TestPass TestPlan TestPlanProperty TestPlans TestProperty TestResult TestResultDetails TestRun TestRunner TestRunProperty TestSettings TestSuite TestSuiteRequirement TestVariable TextAndImage TextArea TextBlock TextBox TextCenter TextElement TextFile TextJustify TextLeft TextLineHeight TextRight...
{ "bracketSpacing": false, "jsxBracketSameLine": false, "printWidth": 120, "requirePragma": false, "semi": true, "singleQuote": true, "tabWidth": 2, "trailingComma": "es5", "useTabs": false } I guess my example looks different than yours because I use a printWidth of 120 (instea...
array-bracket-spacing 强制数组方括号中使用一致的空格 array-element-newline 强制数组元素间出现换行 block-spacing...computed-property-spacing 强制在计算的属性的方括号中使用一致的空格 eol-last 要求或禁止文件末尾存在空行 func-call-spacing 要求或禁止在函数标识符和其调用之间有空格 function-paren-ne...
Interactive query TUI, press F1 or CTRL-Z for help and TAB/SHIFT-TAB to navigate to dirs and files ug -Q ug -Q -e PATTERN 💡 -Q replaces PATTERN on the command line to let you enter patterns interactively in the TUI. In the TUI use ALT+letter keys to toggle short "letter opt...
Bind parameters to reference lines Bind a parameter to a reference line or reference band date value or range to place the visualization's reference line or band based on date values the user specifies. See Bind a Reference Line or Band to a Parameter. Control how workbook consumers configure...
Users can now benefit from Visual AI-based validations without writing a single line of code, using Preflight for their test authoring. The results of the Visual AI-based checkpoints will appear in Eyes, and the information about the status of each validation will be reflected in the Prefligh...
9.1. Installer and image creation 9.2. Shells and command-line tools 9.3. Infrastructure services 9.4. Security 9.5. Networking 9.6. Kernel 9.7. File systems and storage 9.8. Compilers and development tools 9.9. Identity Management 9.10. Desktop 9.11. Graphics infrastructures 9.12. The web console ...