Level 11: Premium Crafting Chest 3 Runestone, 3 Glittering Ebony, 3 Asmodeum, 3 Phoenix Weave, and 3 Runic Leather Level 12: 3 Vials of Azoth Salt Level 13: Gathering XP Booster Level 14: Premium Elemental Chest 3 of every Elemental Quintessence: Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death,...
Here is your 2024 hard rock + metal album release calendar and all of this week's newest titles! With so many new metal and hard rock albums being released each week, it can be difficult to keep up. We’re making things a lot easier for you by keeping track of all the 2024 releases...
Here is your 2024 hard rock + metal album release calendar and all of this week's newest titles! With so many new metal and hard rock albums being released each week, it can be difficult to keep up. We’re making things a lot easier for you by keeping track of all the 2024 releases...
Lauren Morton: Minecraft fully deserves its place in the top 5 on this list for being so all-around good over a decade later. There's no debating its importance—we have it to thank for the perennially flourishing survival crafting genre. And though it's not as hot as it once was, it...