Pre-Constantinian Christianity's Emerging Political Identity The Contrast between God and Caesar: John Milton's The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (1649) The Four Gospels: Jesus, Prophet and Embodiment of the Kingdom of God "It shall not be so with you": Life in Jerusalem and Babylon Concl...
Pre-Constantinian Christianity's Emerging Political Identity The Contrast between God and Caesar: John Milton's The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (1649) The Four Gospels: Jesus, Prophet and Embodiment of the Kingdom of God "It shall not be so with you": Life in Jerusalem and Babylon Concl...
It's not enough to just "go to church." We believe that God has more, so much more for you! A relationship with Jesus is more than just attending Sunday school, owning a Bible, posting a scripture on your social media, or even attending a worship service occasionally. At New Life Chu...
The second part of the Christian Bible, consisting of the Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Book of Revelation, which together describe the life and teachings of Jesus, the efforts on the part of Jesus's followers to establish the Christian Church, and a prophetic vision of the Second Coming. Se...
Here is an example (in my opinion) of a really awesome local church! It's the church that I am a member at. I also speak there on occasion. Their website BAPTISM One thing that I forgot to mention in the video, is baptism. This has nothing to do with your...
praying and offering one’s life to God so that the Universe may encounter the peace of God leads to the awakening of all the internal and external situations where peace is absent within those who adhere to this prayer intention. This is a grace, as it helps to reveal what needs to cha...
“Jesus is Our Hope” was sort of the start of it all for what we know NewLife to be now – the flagship design, you might say. NewLife had been in business for 10 years, but by that point, it was really struggling – Dad had been doing sports apparel, parks, and just about an...
As I began to make this post I thought of what is going on in my life right now and I recalled both my vow to marriage and to Jesus Himself. I had vowed to be generous and follow Jesus and I have and I am and to those who want to throw stones bring it on, you are not stron...
Endings are difficult even when we are enslaved. Moving forward means change. Change can be scary because we want to remain in control. John 6:31-40 Moses is not the Hero of this story. The hero is Jesus who made a way for eternal life. ...
It suggests that true understanding of the kingdom of heaven requires more than intellectual knowledge; it requires a heart and life transformed by Christ. in the kingdom of heavenThis phrase is central to Jesus' teachings and refers to the reign and rule of God, both in the present and ...