Spirituality may or may not be linked to religion, which leads to a discussion of the relationship between spirituality and religion (Bosch Rabell and Bastons2020; Dyson et al.1997; Gotsis and Kortezi2008; Tanyi2002). As religion and spirituality are both multidimensional concepts, this relationsh...
11. Erica Volini et al., 2020 Global Human Capital Trends—The social enterprise at work: Paradox as a path forward, 2020. 12. Marie Laure Troadec, "German Works Council — An essential guide for employers," Horizons, December 6, 2022. 13. Ibid. 14. Volini, The worker-employer ...
Our results reveal the paradox that during the recent price surge an overall increase in smallholders’ multi-dimensional power to access economic benefits was accompanied by a decrease in many other equally important measures of sustainability. This illustrates how effective models for understanding ...
European countries are undergoing transformation processes and the restructuring of welfare models is a key element in this international process. The main socio-economic changes the EU countries are facing include: economic restructuring, technological development, changes in work and the labour market, ...
(2004). The middle aging of new public management: Into the age of paradox? Journal of Public Administration and Theory, 14(3), 267Á282. Hoyle, E., & Wallace, M. (2009). Leadership for professional practice. In S. Gewirtz, P. Mahony, & A. Cribb (Eds.), Changing teacher ...
"Anarchism means no government, but it does not mean no laws and no coercion. This may seem paradoxical, but the paradox vanishes when the Anarchist definition of government is kept in view. Anarchists oppose government, not because they disbelieve in punishment of crime and resistance to aggres...
paradox panting pamphlets palfrey's palatability overcast outright outlet othon other's oscar orthodontist orthodontic ordinance orbits optation offensive oddly occupants obtaining o'banion's numbered notices norton nightmare nickel nicely neutralist nephew narrowed nagging murdered municipalities muller moss ...
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Using the notion of common ground, we articulate that the theoretical foundation of the knowledge economy is (1) a branch of social economy where the starting point is the mid-1990s and (2) not really an economy based solely on production and consumption by exploiting labour and capital, but...
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