You could post a classified-style ad on Facebook or Craigslist, sell handmade goods on Etsy, or post your trendy clothes on Poshmark. Shop big ticket items at holiday time Canva Shop big ticket items at holiday time Need a new car, mattress, television, or another major purchase? Wait ...
Online purchase scamsoften happen on direct seller-to-buyer sites like eBay and Craigslist. If you're the seller in this scam, you might agree to sell your item outside the site's routine checkout process and opt to receive payment by cashier's check or money order only to have the buy...
You could post a classified-style ad on Facebook or Craigslist, sell handmade goods on Etsy, or post your trendy clothes on Poshmark. Shop big ticket items at holiday time Canva Shop big ticket items at holiday time Need a new car, mattress, television, or another major purchase? Wait ...