Advertisement A new job notification is opened by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for 647 seats. The HAl company has required applications for the posts of Apprentice and they have given the jobs for ITI/Diploma/Degree pass-outs. The persons who have the following qualification in the respective trad...
Position9: Electrician电工 51 Position10: Engineering|Facility Technican设备技术员 52 P iti 11 Fitt 钳工 53 Position37: Warehouse Assistant仓库助理 79 Position38: Warehouse Shift Leader仓库班组长 80 Position39: Warehouse Specialist仓库管理员 81 ...
ableto.Ioversleepandlosethisjob,myP.O.’llviolateme.’ “‘Okay,’shesaid,pushingherwayin.‘Yougobacktobed.I’llcomewithyouand we’lltalkinthemorning.It’sreallyimportant.’” IlookedoveratManny.“Youknowhowitiswhenyou’rejustaboutasleep?Itold ...