S379 -“Children’s Vaccination Bill of Rights”; provides children in State with certain protections concerning vaccines. S380/A780 –Requires entities to accept confirmation of prior COVID-19 infection or protective immune response against COVID-19 when proof of vaccination is required. S454/A383...
Join NJCVC NJCVC is a nonpartisan organization focused on promoting vaccination choice, informed consent and personalized medical decisions. We are a grassroots, volunteer coalition of New Jersey citizens who work to build relationships within our local communities and with our local elected officials....
Zambrano said he told them he wanted to enroll his children in a school in Chinatown and had yet to do so because he didn’t want them to change schools and was awaiting the arrival of vaccination records from Ecuador. “They told me there are schools there [in the Bronx] that are fre...
Tracking System. Information on the number of non-residents vaccinated in NYC can also be found in select datasets of this repository. Patient records are deduplicated since information on the same patient may be submitted by multiple providers. Vaccination status is classified into the following ...
Why High Flu Levels and Low Vaccination Rates Could Spell Trouble for New JerseyLeonard, Nicole
By 1966, production was moved to New Jersey and then discontinued altogether. 1926: Cathode ray tube televisions Pexels // Pixabay 1926: Cathode ray tube televisions Scottish inventor John Lodgie Baird demonstrated the first working television that used cathode ray tubes to mechanically scan pictures...
Examining COVID-19 testing and vaccination behaviors by heritage and linguistic preferences among Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish RADx-UP participants The Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish (hereafter, "Hispanic") populations in the U.S. bear a disproportionate burden of COVID-19-related outcomes, ...
This article provides information on tracking Special Education services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in New Jersey districts.
College students (N = 457) enrolled in the Spring 2021 semester at a university in New Jersey completed a cross-sectional survey. The survey collected information on demographics, COVID-19 and vaccination history, knowledge levels and sources of COVID-19 vaccine information, and vaccine ...
From New Jersey to New Orleans: Meet Andrea Mistretta, the Poster Child of Mardi Gras Posters. Mistretta's studio on White's Pond in New Jersey, 1,300 miles from NOLA. For the l… » Read More Start Snapping! Our Mardi Gras Photo Contest Is On! February 1, 2022 | Last year'...