New Jersey Marijuana: Gov. Murphy Signs Bill Expanding State's Medical Program The Jake Honig Compassionate Use Medical Cannabis Act is named in memory of the 7-year-old Howell boy who died of brain cancer last year. Jul 2, 2019 New Jersey Unveils Medical Marijuana Rule Changes ...
Source:Marijuana Is Now Legal In New Jersey But When & Where Can You Smoke? Here’s All The Info You Need To Know… Filed Under:New Jersey Marijuana,New Jersey Marijuana Legalization,New Jersey Marijuana Rules,New Jersey Weed Categories:Articles,Community...
New Jersey legal weed became a billion-dollar business in 2024 Jelani Gibson In N.J. ‘burbs, Mother’s Little Helper shifts to cannabis | Opinion South Jersey Talk to kids about risks of marijuana use | Opinion "The adolescent brain, which continues developing into the mid-20s, is partic...
We offer a look at the political process and opportunity to take part in advancement of medical cannabis patients rights to their medicine, home cultivation and legal plant possession. Let Patients Grow NJ #JeffsLaw
Should New Jersey Legalize Medical Marijuana and Decriminalize Marijuana?Should Marijuana Be Legalized
Since New Jersey voters selected"Yes" to the Marijuana Legalization Amendment by a two-thirds majorityin the 2020 General Election, the state has made a methodical transition to legalize Cannabis. The industry has been growing as the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission has now licensed over ...
The public, meanwhile, appears eager to see an expansion of legal marijuana nationwide. Nearly two thirds of American adults say marijuana should be legal. Michigan voters are likely to see a marijuana legalization measure on the ballot this November, and New Jersey’s new Democratic governor has...
Thus, while New Jersey’s medical marijuana program is one of the older programs in the country, up until recently it was one of the most inadequate. Keeping Up with Cannabis Want to know more about what’s going on in state-level marijuana legislation? Learn more aboutcurrent marijuana laws...
Constitutional Violations In A New Jersey Marijuana Case Often, police will discover alleged marijuana during a motor vehicle stop or when a person is arrested for a separate criminal offense. In order for a police officer to investigate or arrest a person, there must be certain levels of ...
Under the new New Jersey Marijuana law, if you're under 18 and have burning weed in the car, police no longer have probable cause to search the vehicle for possession or conduct a CDS investigation. Even if someone is walking down the street smoking marijuana, police can't...