17:9A-389. Certificate of incorporation a. The board of managers of the organizing mutual savings bank shall execute a certificate of incorporation for the mutual savings bank holding company stating: (1) The name by which the mutual savings bank holding company shall be known; ...
16:10A-3. Certificate of incorporation; form and content Whenever a local church of The United Methodist Church shall have resolved to incorporate or reincorporate at a meeting held for such purpose, as provided by section 1 of this act, the duly elected trustees or appropriate officers elected...
Paterson New Jersey New Jersey Newark New Jersey State of New Jersey Jersey City Trenton NJState New Jersey State 2 Paterson On this site, you will learn: how to Incorporate, the State of New Jerseyrequirements and the cost of incorporation as well as how to get a business license New...
New Jersey Fictitious Business Name /Sole Proprietor New Jersey Corporation Annual Reports Filing New Jersey LLC Annual Reports Filing New Jersey Company Name Change New Jersey Corporation Dissolutions New Jersey LLC Dissolution New Jersey Certificate of Status ...
Need a registered address in New Jersey Documents including Company’s registration documents Certificate of Incorporation One quality certificate Provide the registered address for one year One company’s stock book An atom rubber stamp (for bank check stamped) ...
A certificate of incorporation must be executed by the archbishop or bishop, the vicar-general of the diocese, the rector of the congregation, and two laymen thereof, selected by such officials or a majority of them. It must state the corporate name of the church, and also the municipality ...
New Jersey Plan, one of two major competing proposals for the structure and functioning of the United States government that were introduced at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 in Philadelphia. Put forth in June by William Paterson, the head of the New Jersey delegation, the New Jersey Plan...
Your New Jersey alternate name needs to be renewed every five years. That can be done online or by filing this form. The renewal fee is $25 for corporations and $50 for other entities. Withdraw Your DBA You can cancel your New Jersey alternate name by filing the Certificate of Termination...
A Certificate of Incorporation (required to form a corporation) costs $125, and filing Articles of Organization (required to form an LLC) cost $200. What are the advantages of starting a business in New York? New York has the country’s third-largest economy, with more than half of its ...