New Jack City: Directed by Mario Van Peebles. With Wesley Snipes, Ice-T, Allen Payne, Chris Rock. A crime lord ascends to power and becomes megalomaniacal while a maverick police detective vows to stop him.
New Jack City is a classic crime drama film from 1991, directed by Mario Van Peebles and starring an ensemble cast of Wesley Snipes, Ice-T, and Allen Payne, among others. The movie is set in New York City during the late 1980s and early 1990s and revolves around the rise and fall of...
Movie Madness 131: The Godfather Part II v New Jack City: With Luke Byron, Tom Kennett, Keenan Bonner.
The movie is set to adapt the classic book by Don DeLillo which is set at a mid-western college and will cover the year in the life of a professor called Jack Gladney. You can see some behind-the-scenes shots and more in ourcomprehensive preview of the new movie. You People Genre:Co...
Mangaya [Gone] Mina Monden’s online manga store—oops, goneCat Cafe [Gone] One of Jack Chu’s sites—oops, this site is gone, but Anime Next, his main site, is still up—no, wait, that one is gone tooNero’s Anime Page [Gone] Oops, gone...
True to form, the sublimely entertainingJackass Foreverhas now begat a second film, calledJackass 4.5.Rather than theaters, this movie is going straight toNetflixnext month. In announcing the film, Netflix noted thatJackass 4.5contains “the whole crew” fromJackass Forever. That’s good; ...
True to form, the sublimely entertainingJackass Foreverhas now begat a second film, calledJackass 4.5.Rather than theaters, this movie is going straight toNetflixnext month. In announcing the film, Netflix noted thatJackass 4.5contains “the whole crew” fromJackass Forever. That’s good; ...
Tony Hawk & Punk Rock Karaoke In the City Milo Aukerman & Punk Rock Karaoke Manny, Moe and Jack The Idolizers What’s Your Name The Idolizers Gimme Gimme Your Love The Idolizers All Those Things I See The Implosions Ponies The Implosions Million Dollar Photo Stray Cats Storm The Embassy...
Minogue said it was like a scene from a movie, with so much ash falling that it was almost black. Laurel Poole • September 11, 2021 News A Day of Unity in New York City Police, firefighters, survivors, victims, and people from all ethnicities, ages, and countries stood together to ...