The New Investigator Award of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has gone to Dr Qiang Li, a lecturer in Advanced Materials and Devices in the Sêr Cymru Research Group of Cardiff University’s School of Physics and Astronomy. Picture: Cardiff University’s Dr Qiang...
Simulations Plus, Inc. today announced that, through a joint proposal with the University of Bath’s Department of Life Sciences and other university partners, it has been awarded a new funded grant from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The lead investigator on the project, Professor Mark Geoghegan, Professor of Engineering Materials, added: "I first thought that charged polymers could be used for reversible adhesion back in 1999. Back then, this was blue sky research, and it is very excit...
The BSUCH study acknowledges the Principal Investigator, Barbara Burwinkel, and thanks Peter Bugert, Medical Faculty Mannheim. The CAMA study would like to recognize CONACyT for the financial support provided for this work and all physicians responsible for the project in the different participating ...
theorygroupnewcastleepsrcesoricsquantum Caseforsupport:QuantumComputation,Foundations,Security,Cryptography andGroupTheory. 1.Previoustrackrecord ThisprojectfollowsasuccessfulcollaborationoftheprincipalinvestigatortogetherwithRees(Newcas- tle),Braunstein(York)andLawson(Heriot-Watt)onEPSRCprojectGR/R87406/01“QuantumCom...