Beginning with the Polaroid SX-70 Camera, MiNT took what we learnt from vintage Polaroid cameras and old Polaroid Land cameras, and designed new instant cameras with a classic and timeless touch.
Beginning with the Polaroid SX-70 Camera, MiNT took what we learnt from vintage Polaroid cameras and old Polaroid Land cameras, and designed new instant cameras with a classic and timeless touch.
Beginning with the Polaroid SX-70 Camera, MiNT took what we learnt from vintage Polaroid cameras and old Polaroid Land cameras, and designed new instant cameras with a classic and timeless touch.
初次接觸MiNT攝影?現在就試試吧! TL70 Plus操作方便且極具人性化,非常容易使用。 簡單但性能強大。可選擇自動模式 — 構圖,對焦,拍攝! 厭倦了那些小小的取景器? TL70 Plus具有我們有史以來最明亮、最美的取景器。 華麗的取景器不僅能準確地預覽場景,還能讓您在決定性的時刻及時紀錄到珍貴的作品。一切都滿載菲林...
Beginning with the Polaroid SX-70 Camera, MiNT took what we learnt from vintage Polaroid cameras and old Polaroid Land cameras, and designed new instant cameras with a classic and timeless touch.
The time machine built a relationship between me and my polaroid camera. I felt like it was a part of my body. I can use it shot many kind of photos that I was no able to shot before. A instant photographer, Lucile Le Doze wrote a tutorial, "Light Painting with SX-70" on TIP ...
1.《BAPE CAMERA SET®相機套裝》 BAPE ® SX-70 original camera BAPE ® Polaroid Bag BAPE ® Film edition 1&2 (2packs) BAPE ® Gift Box hkd: 7499 予約受付: 於2012年9月8日中午12時正開始, 可以上我們的網站 (www.SX70asia.com/bape) 填妥你的訂單, ...
Beginning with the Polaroid SX-70 Camera, MiNT took what we learnt from vintage Polaroid cameras and old Polaroid Land cameras, and designed new instant cameras with a classic and timeless touch.
Beginning with the Polaroid SX-70 Camera, MiNT took what we learnt from vintage Polaroid cameras and old Polaroid Land cameras, and designed new instant cameras with a classic and timeless touch.