New HSK 1 Word List Infographic New HSK 1 Word List: Vocabulary Analysis The new HSK1 has500 words. The old HSK1 only had 150 words. Good news:out of those 150 words,138 still appear in the new HSK! Bad news:there are362 other new wordscoming in from old HSK2, 3, 4, as well ...
The new HSK 3.0 released in 2021 requires 2245 vocabulary words in level 3 (Band 3) – that’s 973 new words on top of the level 2 requirement.
HSK_Level_1_(New_HSK) (ThisHSKLevel1listwasproducedbyLingomi.Definitionsprovidedb Order 123456879101112131415 HSKLevel-Order 1-11-21-31-41-5 Word 爱八爸爸杯子北京本不不客气菜茶吃出租车打电话大的 Pronunciation ai4ba1ba4ba5bei1zi5Bei3jing1ben3bu4bu4ke4qi5cai4cha2chi1chu1...
HSK_Level_4_(New_HSK) (ThisHSKLevel4listwasproducedbyLingomi.DefinitionsprovidedbyCC-C Order HSKLevelOrder 13-123-233-341-1567893-54-63-64-84-9 Word 阿姨啊矮爱爱好爱情安静安排安全暗按时按照八把爸爸吧 Pronunciation a1yi2a5ai3ai4ai4ai4an1an1an1hao4qing2jing4pai2quan2 1...
The first section of the book gives complete vocabulary words list for HSK level 6 with Pinyin and English notations. The book also gives a fully 5000 vocabulary summary at the last section, so you can always check back to the last section to see if you have truly mastered the level 6 ...
New HSK 1 Chinese Vocabulary Pinyin Starting with B bā 八 num eight1. He is an eight years old boy. tā shì yí gè bā suì de nán hái 他是一个八岁的男孩。 2. This ice cream costs 8 RMB. zhè gè bīng qí lín bā kuài qián ...
NEW HSK 2 Vocabulary & Sentences: Learn Essential Chinese Words & Phrases for Beginners In NEW HSK 3.0 by Angel Huang In a previous post we presented a complete vocabulary list for the new HSK level 2. In this post you get to study those words in the context of simple sample sentences...
5, Download New HSK Vocabulary ListThe Ministry of Education in China have released the full word list for each level of the new HSK, with the exception of Level 7 onwards as this will be released in due courseYou can download Full NEW HSK Vocabulary List in PDF, there are 260 pages ...
The old HSK had 6 levels, while New HSK has 3 levels, each including 3 distinct bands. Unlike the current HSK, the New HSK has three more bands for ranking advanced learners. Access New HSK Vocabulary List here >> 2. The four-dimension benchmarks of the New HSK ...
Analysis 2: Word-for-Word Matching A second way of looking at the differences in the list is by following the individual words themselves. Do the words in the old levels mostly go to particular levels in the new HSK? Even before beginning the analysis, the large difference in the list siz...