And now you’re ready for our simple guide on how to become a New Yorker. Good luck!
House Cleaning and Decorating – half month before No matter whether in a city apartment or a countryside villa, there must be a diligent housewife exerting all her energies to carry out a thorough clean of the house before Chinese New Year. Sweeping, mopping, wiping, washing… Sometimes the...
But it’s generally soft items, such as cushions or pillows, so there’s no need to worry about falling couches! Japan: Oshogatsu is celebrated with family, which both cleans and decorates the entire house together. Then natural decorations such as pine branches, plum blossoms, and bamboo ...
The first day of Gutor is spent thoroughly cleaning the house and putting up decorations, especially auspicious items. The kitchen must be particularly clean because since it is where the family's food is prepared, it must be kept free of bacteria. The chimney is also swept thoroughly....
For example, cleaning the house, washing clothes, and washing the hair should be avoided as they drive away good fortune. All cleaning should be done before the holiday season. It is also taboo to cry or break dishes. During the length of the festivities, people should also avoid borrowing...
During the Chinese New Year, people paste their pictures on the doors todrive awaytheevil spirits, keep the house safe, and encourage the good fortune. 注: 1. drive away: 驱赶走 2. evil spirits: 鬼魂 8. Eating Dumplings 吃饺子
This Chinese New Year, I opted to skip the horrendous queue atLim Chee Guan(a friend queued 6 hours) and try a different house ofbak kwa(barbequed pork), one who doesn’t believe in making their customers queue for their candied meat (yes I am that extreme lol). ...
Cleaning is not really our idea of a good time, but unless you enjoy being surrounded by filth, it becomes a necessity. In the absence of regular maintenance, dust quickly settles around the house, which is why a vacuum is essential. Why not upgrade to the new Black+Decker Pivot Vac and...
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It is believed that during the Little New Year, in addition to giving the house a new look, every family member should have a haircut and bath to remove the dust and bad luck of the previous year and bring in good luck for the new year, which is a good omen for the start of a ...