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A recent RIBA report on age-friendly housing worried that, ‘Our small towns and villages are set to become retirement communities.’ Yet much existing village infrastructure – social housing, schools, churches, care homes, libraries, shops, voluntary organisations – is going to struggle to survi...
Phyllis talks a lot about “the wrong kind of earthquake”. The wrong kind of earthquake in the central United States would strike on a work day when all of the unreinforced masonry buildings are full of people (American homes tend to be wooden-frame and are much safer). It would take p...
“Most Brutal Metal Scream 2012” — in the late 2010s, introducing a new generation of fans to the nu-metal anthem. Though the genre was waning by 2000, Mudvayne’sL.D. 50hit nu-metal with a shot in the arm, giving metalheads something to wreck their homes to early in the new ...
When Sullivan scouted the location for Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning, for a scene he wrote where older Anne returns to the famous bridge, he discovered that this beloved bridge located in Stouffville, Ontario had fallen into disrepair and was now a condemned...
It’s similar to The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), made nearly a decade earlier. The Asian locales and the parallels with the controversial Vietnam conflict of the time will not be lost on the viewer. We go back to 1926 when the USS San Pablo was patrolling the Yangtze River during...