A clever device comes in the form of a bedtime routine. The dialogue is genuinely hilarious. When Joey enters her dream state, the cast’s commitment to the Peas and Carrots gag is laugh-out-loud funny. Each new scene provides more insight into this mysterious alternative universe.PEAS AND ...
Cell senescence is a natural response within our organisms. Initially, it was considered an effective anti-tumor mechanism. However, it is now believed tha
Fig. 1. Geological maps of the study area: (A) the major tectonic units in southwest China (modified from Hou et al., 2017); (B) the distribution of the inner, intermediate, and outer zones of the Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP) in Southwest China (modified from Dai et al., ...
RNA-binding proteins play a key role in the regulation of all aspects of RNA metabolism, from the synthesis of RNA to its decay. Protein-RNA interactions have been thought to be mostly mediated by canonical RNA-binding domains that form stable secondary and tertiary structures. However, a numbe...
Holland, A. J. & Cleveland, D. W. Losing balance: the origin and impact of aneuploidy in cancer. EMBO Rep. 13, 501–514 (2012). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar McGranahan, N., Burrell, R. A., Endesfelder, D., Novelli, M. R. & Swanton, C. Cancer chromosoma...
Hello.I am not sure if there are many members from outside the US, but I am. (If I make stupid language mistakes please let me know). I am 49 and just started playing golf last year. I did in introduction day and really liked it.Later that year I started
Several large-scale clinical trials have found that giving a higher (>2.0 Gy) dose of radiotherapy per fraction, and a fewer (<35) number of fractions in total, can be as safe NATURE REVIEWS | CLINICAL ONCOLOGY © 2 0 1 6 M a c m ill a n P u b li s h e r s L i m...
… according to Mobetter News, (South Holland, Illinois) as early as 15,000 B.C., the Zingh Empire ruled by Emperor Tirus Afrik, existed in the region which became ancient Ghana (where Mauretania is today) have no basis in fact. Plant domestication and agriculture began in the Fertile...
Holland BS, Dawson MN, Crow GL, Hofmann DK (2004) Global phylogeography of Cassiopea: molecular evidence for cryptic species and multiple invasions of the Hawaiian Islands. Mar Biol 145:1119–1128 Article Google Scholar Hong H (2002) The jellyfish and Rhopilema esculentum. Biol Bull 37:13–...
Phase diagrams were calculated with the Theriak/Domino software (de Capitani and Brown 1987; de Capitani and Petrakakis 2010), using the internally consistent thermodynamic data set 6.2 (Holland and Powell 2011) and the suitable mixing models for solid solutions (converted for Theriak/Domino by ...