Where hip-hop has begun to transition towards two extremes — heavy metal on one side and drumless beats on the other — Amaarae presents a hidden alternative. The Ghanaian vocalist ushers in a new conception of hip-hop, bringing an Afro pop influence that's reminiscent of Doja Cat’s...
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出道曲《Attention》融入 Electro Pop 和 Hip-Hop 元素,以清新明快的听感席卷了 2022 年的夏天。后续的《Ditto》《OMG》《Super Shy》歌曲中采纳 Baltimore Club、UK Garage、Jersey Club 等来自上世纪的电子舞曲风格,并进行了服务于听感的改动。而 New Jack Swing 以及 City Pop 则成为了今年发布的《...
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Women are pioneering the future of hip-hop, and their styles have never been more pronounced. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, listen to 14 rising female artists that you should keep an eye on in 2023 and beyond.
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**Embrace the Culture of Hip Hop** The 2023 NEW National Trend Personality Hip Hop Jungle Lucky Star Smiling Face Clavicle Chain is a testament to the vibrant culture of hip hop. This necklace, crafted from durable acrylic, is a fashion-forward accessory that transcends gender norms, making ...
kicking off my 2023 with a brand new hip-hop record “6 speed” w/ the one and only Ted Park on january 20th! make sure you mark the date, my frens! 🏎️🏁 LiFTED Asia