发展新质生产力是推动高质量发展的内在要求和重要着力点,必须继续做好创新这篇大文章,推动新质生产力加快发展。Developing new quality productive forces is the intrinsic requirement and an important focus of promoting high-quality development, and it's necessary to continue to well leverage innovation to ...
参考消息网3月13日报道(文/陈泽安) 在今年的全国两会期间,新质生产力(new quality productive forces)成为各界关注的热词。“大力推进现代化产业体系建设,加快发展新质生产力”写入政府工作报告,并被列为2024年中国政府的工作任务首位。生产力是指人们在一定时间内利用一定手段和资源创造物质财富的能力,它是劳动...
发展新质生产力是推动高质量发展的内在要求和重要着力点,必须继续做好创新这篇大文章,推动新质生产力加快发展。 Developing new quality productive forces is the intrinsic requirement and an important focus of promoting high-quality development, and it's necessary to continue to well leverage innovation to ...
Twelve political advisers placed emphasis on developing new high-quality productive forces during the annual session.
符合新发展理念的先进生产力质态(with innovation playing the leading role, new quality productive forces mean advanced productivity that is freed from traditional economic growth mode and productivity development paths, features high-tech, high efficiency and high quality, and comes in line with the new...
Editor's note: As a highlight of new quality productive forces, China's low-altitude economy is undergoing a transformative evolution, marked by a diverse range of application scenarios, broad market prospects and huge development potential. ...
Prosperity, also known as an "air taxi", is developed by AutoFlight, a leading eVTOL developer based in Shanghai. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn] Editor's note:As a highlight of new quality productive forces, China's low-altitude economy is undergoing a transformative evolution, marked...
new quality productive forces 国务院国资委表示,将推动国资央企发展实体经济,积极扩大有效投资,优化投资布局结构,其中加快布局培育新质生产力是着力重点之一。 The country will encourage the enterprises to contribute more to the real economy by ...
CGTN时评节目The Point《视点》20240729期 - 加快发展新质生产力 (New Quality Productive Forces) - DEEPER REFORMS BETTER OPPORTUNITIES - Why does China coin “new quality productive forces”? & How does China make industrial policies? CGTN节目录屏,主要为了纪录,以及分享英语学习素材,侵删。
* In recent years, lighthouse factories, unmanned factories, and smart factories have been mushrooming in China. Increased productivity there offers an insight into how new quality productive forces are driving high-quality growth in the world's second-largest economy. * By the end of 2023, Chi...