New tax assessor, same Town OfficeConnie Footman
Compliance Manager allows you to assign user roles that are specific to individual assessments. This feature allows you to provide assessors with scoped access to Compliance Manager. Learn more aboutgranting user access to individual assessments. ...
1425 Canal St is a 1,592 square foot house on a 1.4 acre lot with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms..Based on Redfin's New Haven data, we estimate the home's value is $166,812. Single-family Built in 1900 1.4 acres $105 Redfin Estimate per sq ft ...
Joe Nelson
New Office Good News for Township Assessor
New L.A. County Sheriff, Supervisors, Assessor Sworn into OfficeIn a region known for face-lifts, Los Angeles County officiallygot a big one Monday when it...Smith, Dakota
Mike Cruz
Joe Nelson