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"In response to the Supreme Court's decision, implying that guns are more important than lives in this country, we passed legislation to ensure that New York State has safe and responsible gun laws. States are the last line of defense, which is why we stepped up to protect New York from...
Texan Revolution: Seven Game-Changing Laws That Will Shape 2024 Lots of new laws get passed every year, and unless you’re paying attention, it’s hard to blame someone for not knowing they even exist. Get our free mobile app That’s why I’ve compiled this list of seven new laws that...
Just before the new term begins, the courtagreed to considera pair of cases from Texas and Florida that arose from challenges to state laws imposing new rules on big social media companies. The laws were passed in response to claims from Republican lawmakers that platforms like Fac...
New York Lawmakers Introduce “Francesco’s Law” For Safer Gun Storage NRA: Decision Time for NRA Members Politics: Advocates consider pistol permit recertification process amid new laws Share 123…446Next » Social Media NYS Legislative Session Calendar ...
It still must be passed again next year before a public referendum in November 2023. New York state Assembly debates abortion, gun control measures The New York state Assembly is meeting in an emergency session to debate two measures intended to undo th...
Recent accomplishments: While in the Senate, her team was instrumental in pushing for Rockefeller Drug Laws reforms, ethics reforms, women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, minimum wage increases and regaining control of the Senate for the Democrats. In the Attorney General’s office, she...
What's one thing you hope to accomplish in your first session?We need to address public safety. That includes expanding the number of judges so that we can eliminate the backlog of cases, updating our gun laws, addressing mental health, improving MTA safety and more. ...
New Zealand PM vows to tighten gun control laws Source: CGTN| 2019-03-18 10:06:10|Editor: Lu Hui Video PlayerClose(Source: CGTN)YOU MAY LIKESpotlight: Death toll climbs to 50 in Christchurch terror attacks, gun laws to be changed Australian police raid homes in New South Wales linked ...
Mr. Trump raised eyebrows on Wednesday during a meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers on gun laws in the wake of the Parkland shooting. Herepeatedly implied that Republicanshad been unwilling to approach gun control legislation because of the NRA, a powerful lobbying group, and appeared en...