1. To enable new look Gmail, justlogininto your Gmail account. You should notice black pop-up box at bottom right which reads “Switch to the new look“. If you do not see it, wait for few days for Gmail to provide that option. 2. Once you click “Switch to the new look” box,...
We all love Gmail. Don’t we? I even useGmail on domainsbut one thing that it certainly lacks in is its look. Google don’t give much importance to the looks other than colors and all as it doesn’t want to compromise with performance at any point. Gmail addiction is too much alread...
Google continues to revamp the appearance of many of its services, this time turning its redecorating eye on Gmail
Learn about Gmail and Yahoo!'s new sender requirements and what you should do to become compliant and protect your sending.
> Gmail is getting a new 'inbox zero' icon - but you'll probably never see it > Most people use Gmail but don't know how full their inbox is > Gmail on mobile just hit a massive milestone The new-look Gmail will start rolling out to users in the rapid release pipeline from Februar...
The Gmail teamarguesthat customizable tabs lets you see what’s new at a glance and decide which emails you want to read and when. You have five (optional) tabs to file your email messages: Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates and Forums. The system supports drag and drop to move messages...
Google has redesigned Gmail. Googleofficiallyconfirmed today that the newly redesigned Gmail is now available to all users. If you want to update to the new look there should be a green “Switch to the new look” button on the bottom right of your Gmail screen. Most of the key new featur...
Google recently introduced a new logo for its Gmail service, but what are the reasons that its users are giving it a thumbs-down?
Gmail is getting a new integrated view layout. Here's everything that's changing and who will have access to it.