On Two New Genera of Fungi. By the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, M.A., F.L.S. fyc. Read June 1, 1852. 1HE illustrious mycologist, Elias Fries, on more than one occasion, expresses the far greater pleasure that he has experienced in ascertaining with complete certainty a single synonym of...
New Genera of Fungi. VIII. Notes Concerning the Sections of the Genus Marasmius Fr.Liver anatomyLiver resectionsLiver segmentationIn this paper, the F -expansion method is extended and applied to construct the exact solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional generalized Wick-type stochastic Kadomtsev–...
We formulate five guidelines for introducing new genera, plus one recommendation how to publish the results of scientific research. We recommend that reviewers and editors adhere to these guidelines. We propose that the underlying research is solid, and
Primers for amplification and sequencing of partial glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd) gene were designed for lichenized fungi. The 5 gpd primer is most probably fungal specific, since a BLAST search in GenBank found identical sequences only from ascomycetous taxa, whereas the 3 gpd ...
Although a considerable amount of attention has been given to the Fungus-flora of Australia, a large number of species still remain to be described, at least among the micro-fungi. These are either new to science or have not hitherto been recorded for Australia, and since numbers of such ...
THE various regions of Central Africa are a territory which has not been studied mycologically in any detail. It is therefore not surprising that, in a second paper on tropical fungi, G. B. Hansford (., 159, pt. 1, pp. 21 ; 1947), in describing thirty-four species, includes no ...
13 July 2017 Published: xx xx xxxx Phylogeny and morphological analyses of Penicillium section Sclerotiora (Fungi) lead to the discovery of five new species Xin-Cun Wang1, Kai Chen1,2, Zhao-Qing Zeng1 & Wen-Ying Zhuang1 Phylogeny of Penicillium section Sclerotiora is still limitedly investi...
A total of 22 species of lichenicolous fungi and three lichens are reported on Stereocaulon species and discussed. Lichenopeltella stereocaulorum sp. nov., Lichenosticta dombrovskae sp. nov. and Odontotrema stereocaulicola sp. nov. are d... MP Zhurbenko - 《Opuscula Philolichenum》 被引...
Two new genera, Paramycetinis and Pseudomarasmius , are placed phylogenetically within the /omphalotaceae among genera allied with Gymnopus . Paramycetinis comprises two Antipodal taxa related to Mycetinis . Both Paramycetinis species are characterized by luxuriant rhizomorphs, with basidiomata ar...
Fungi were isolated using potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) and water-agar with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). The identification of the fungi was assessed through DNA sequencing (nrDNA ITS and 伪-actin regions) complemented with morphological analyses. Assays for cellulolytic activity were conducted with ...